Deputy Principal - Student Development and Wellbeing

The Pastoral and Wellbeing Team are thrilled to officially unveil our partnership with SchoolTV. This new platform holds the key to the latest research and advice surrounding a range of different topics children may be experiencing. This resource has been designed to empower you as parents with credible information that provides realistic, practical ongoing support strategies. 


‘Body Image’ is one of our chosen topics for this month. We invite you to review our SchoolTV site that dives deeper into this topic, here. You will be able to take a quiz on ‘how much do you know about body image as a concept’, watch various interviews with leading specialists and directly contact relevant Year level Pastoral Guardians if you have any further queries. Each Parent Corner our Pastoral Guardians will discuss new topics, all in which will sit on our School TV site. 


This topic also paired at the College this week as our Peer Support Team (consisting of 24 Year 11 & 12 students) were behind raising awareness from the Butterfly Foundations initiative ‘Being Body Kind’. They utilised some of the resources provided to help students think about why being kind to ourselves and others goes a long way to shifting the media’s onslaught of images that make us all think we need to be of one shape and size. The Peer Support team has been diligent in helping us to understand that continual talk about weight issues and how someone looks sets a dangerous precedence in making us think that how we look is far more important than who we are. The team argues that we need to start being kind to one another and ourselves if we are to begin shifting the tide around body beautiful.


The second theme we have linked into this month is the use of E-Cigarettes (vaping). Despite education around the dangers of vaping our young people are being caught up in the ‘latest adolescent trendy pastime’. As a College, we will respond to incidents of possessing, inhaling or supplying E-Cigarettes as a major breach of the code of conduct. Our young people need to realise that because of the enticing flavours and often very high levels of nicotine and other additives (which are often unknown or deliberately added by the supplier) they can become victims of lung damage, addictive behaviours or mind-altering substances. It is essential that families have conversations around the use of E-Cigarettes as the incidences of vaping outside of school are also of growing concern. Please find more information and advice regarding vaping via SchoolTV here. 

Annette Butterworth
Annette Butterworth