Next Thursday 9 September is R U OK? Day. It seeks to raise awareness about mental health and contribute to suicide prevention by encouraging people to invest more time in their personal relationships by:

  • Being alert to those around you: friends, family and colleagues;
  • Having a conversation if you identify signs of distress or difficulty;
  • Connecting someone to appropriate support, long before they're in crisis.

You don't need to be an expert to reach out - just a good friend and a great listener. Use these four steps and have a conversation that could change a life:


1. Ask R U OK?

2. Listen

3. Encourage action

4. Check in


During Break 1 and 2 next Thursday, our Francis School Leaders under the direction of Chelsea Lang and the Outreach Committee members, will be distributing R U OK? stickers and yellow ribbons. Students are invited to make a donation using their Student ID cards. All proceeds will go towards supporting the work of R U OK?