Senior School News

Year 10 Course Counselling

On Wednesday the 1st of September, 250 Year 10 students were involved in having video counselling sessions with their Discovery Teachers regarding the subject choices that they had put in. This was a great opportunity for students to talk through their selections as well as obtain clarification on things such as pre-requisites and goal setting. 


We hope that both students and families have a sense of clarity with the subjects that have been chosen for 2022. The Year 10 Cohort will have another opportunity to obtain their Semester 2 Recommendations in Term 4. The Senior School will be sending Letters of Offers to families during Term 4 outlining the program and subjects that students have been allocated for the next year.


Some feedback from students: 


Course Counselling helped me be 100% sure of the subjects that I have picked for next year- thank you to my Discovery Teacher for helping me with this.  


I wasn’t too sure about choosing between Business Management and Legal Studies and having some clarity about the subjects helped me make my final decision.


Because we’re in remote, it was great that I could talk to my teachers online to have some guidance. 



Asli Dulger and Jonathan Tennent

Year 10 Coordinators

Year 11 Leadership Program

A group of Year 11 students have been undertaking leadership seminars on top of their regular classes. They have had a chance to explore key qualities of leadership including personal and social responsibility, having a vision, and being a positive ‘upstander’. 


Most recently they engaged in a panel discussion with Councillor Laura Mayne from Manningham City Council. We are very proud of the Year 11 Leadership Program students for their inquiry and commitment to understanding and bettering themselves as young leaders of the community. There are more exciting seminars to come!

Intermediate VCAL Personal Best Project

The Intermediate VCAL students have recently completed the Personal Best Project in the subject of Personal Development Skills. Students undertook several different types of projects including making a recipe book, automotive and barbering manuals, picture story books, a motorised bicycle, running breakfasts and morning teas for students and staff, starting online businesses, designing and constructing furniture, models, instruments and paintings. 


A huge congratulations to all students for undertaking this project with enthusiasm and demonstrating your creativity, ingenuity and initiative. We can’t wait to see what other exciting projects you will undertake.

Managing Remote Learning and Mental Wellbeing forums

Senior school students have been engaging in the Managing Remote Leaning and Mental Wellbeing forums. These forums have provided ideas and techniques to manage procrastination, motivation and regulate wellbeing in this often difficult time period. 


Students have been encouraged to:

  • Actively seek assistance in work from teachers
  • Develop their personal self-care plan
  • Develop good routines around sleep
  • Find time to get outside every day and be physically active
  • Develop manageable priority lists to tick off

A selection of slides from Year 11 and 12 Managing Remote Learning presentation are provided below. We hope all students find these reflections and tips helpful. 



A personal self-care plan is given here for students to develop.  As always, the Senior School Team would like to encourage all students to reach out to their teachers and Discovery teachers to have further discussions on managing and regulating these study and mental health.


Senior School Strava Challenge

Senior School Students have been engaging in this physical activity challenge to see how many kilometres as a community we can reach for this entire remote learning period! It has been affirming and inspiring to see so many of our students and staff getting out and about, we are averaging walking around 350km together each week! Congratulations to our students for participating.


Ramya Annavarapu

Year 11 Coordinator