Other School News

Westall School Captains and Kingston Council Road Safety Project
This term, the School Captains have continued to work on their Road Safety project to improve pedestrian and road safety for our Westall community. Tara from Kingston Council, facilitated a full-day workshop for the student leaders in the first week of Term 3. As a team, the student leaders reviewed their progress so far, including the new pedestrian crossing and the speed bumps installed on Rosebank Lane, and continued to work on their projects to raise awareness through a school road safety campaign. The School Captains are very excited to share their projects with the school community very soon.
Ms Kristina Vasilakis
Student Leadership Coordinator
iCreate Duke of Edinburgh - Outdoor Education Endangered Species Incursion
The Outdoor Education students had a visit from some very cute friends in the first week of Term 3. The zoologists from Wild Action introduced students to endangered animals, which assisted students with their research into environmental conservation for our voluntary service project. The Outdoor students learned about the connection between species, their niche, and the environment. This knowledge will help the students undertake their voluntary service project, where they aim to raise awareness about environmental issues in our school’s local area. As part of this project, students will complete a conservation project to restore, protect and care for local flora and fauna. The Outdoor Ed students will participate in National Tree Week and plant native trees in our school to restore the local flora and protect local wildlife habitats.
Below are some comments about the incursion from the iCreate Outdoor Ed students:
- “I liked the fact we were presented with endangered animals which is of course not an everyday opportunity.” – Arisa Lai, 9C
- “Thing that I learned in the incursion is koala poop 200 times a day.” - Thao Phan, 8C
- “I learnt that all animals have its own role in the environment.” – Asher Gapasin, 9A
- “I really liked the owl and crocodile the most.” – Anita Soghmayan, 9D
- “I liked meeting all the animals, getting to pet most of the animals and getting to see many interesting animals.” – Nikko Cubar, 9C
Ms Kristina Vasilakis
Student Leadership Coordinator & iCreate Outdoor Education Teacher
iCreate Master the Westall Café
Each week in the Westall Café during remote learning, we have had a cooking challenge based around a particular theme. We have had a pantry challenge, as well as themed weeks, such as breads, sweets, and herbs/spices challenge. We have had some amazing entries each week, in particular from our junior school students. Have a look below at what they cooked!
Greek Easter Cookies
Made by Mischa Koumakis (Year 8)
Milk Bread
Made by Hanna Ali (Year 8)
Improvised Pad Kra Poa
Made by Anita Tay (Year 8)
Fried Bread with Potato Filling
Made by Simaran Kaur (Year 8)
Ms Alice Paget
Director of Learning - Junior School