Careers News

2021 Speed Careering Day - Thursday 9th December
Covid Restrictions permitting, here is an invitation to Parents and Guardians of Years 8, 9, 10 students to attend our School’s Sport Centre on Thursday 9th December 2021 where this program will take place as follows:
Year 8 – (9 to 10:15am)
Year 9 - (10:15 to 11:30am)
Refreshment break for our visitors (11:30am to 12pm)
Year 10 - (12 to 1:15pm)
Our school holds an annual event known as “ Speed Careering”.
The activity is designed to build student awareness of the various roles/ work options available in our community, including the fact that there are just as many individual career pathways as there are roles.
It involves small group informal discussions. It is, but a dialogue with students and their parents and caregivers from Years 8 to 10.
Ms Geraldine Borongha
Careers and Pathways Advisor
Headstart - School Based Apprenticeships and Traineeships