Junior School Report

Message from the
Director of Learning -
Alice Paget
I am so proud of all the Junior School students for their resilience in transitioning back into remote learning, yet again. They continue to show dedication and maturity in online classes, with their conduct on Microsoft Teams (our main remote learning platform) and learning progress throughout Term 3. Well done Year 7 and Year 8!
Thank you to all the parents and guardians for supporting your children in the process of schooling during this challenging time. Most students are finding it increasingly difficult to engage in their lessons with the extended lockdown. If possible, try and make sure they have a quiet space to work in, a daily routine (including breaks), and a way to signify the end of the school day, such as changing their clothes after school or getting outside for some fresh air.
The team of teachers and support staff in the junior school are doing an outstanding job in modifying their teaching style, adapting their resources and supports to allow for a smooth transition back into remote learning. Thank you very much to the team of amazing staff we have at Westall!
Below we will hear about what lockdown has been like for Mischa Koumakis (Year 8 student), through her sonnet:
Online Learning- Sonnet
Back to isolation- we know the drill
Bring your books; stay at home, you’re on your own
Some of us ecstatic, others dread fill
For we are all back to being alone.
Of course, lockdown has its perks
We all sleep in and wake up for classes
Lessons filled with Kahoots and little work;
Staying at laptops in times of masses.
Soon days feel the same; they merge into weeks
Weeks into months— is it Thursday…or June?
Things all alike, calls where no one speaks;
Everyone wishing this would just end soon.
Although it’s not up to them- it’s only you;
Working together, we’ll see covid through.
Mischa Koumakis
Year 8 student
Developing a Routine in Remote Learning
This week, during our remote Junior School assembly, Miss Rebecca Tomkins, Year 8 Coordinator, shared some very useful tips on the importance of having a routine during lockdown and remote learning. Have a look below:
Toddlers need a routine to keep them happy and to make sure all their needs are being met. It also helps them learn what to expect. Guess what? EVERYONE works better on a routine!
This means getting up at roughly the same time every day, doing similar things, and going to bed at the same time every day. This can help things seem more predictable and in your control during lockdowns, when you might be feeling uncertain or anxious.
Logging into all your lessons on time can help build a routine – and we're not just saying that! It is what you're used to doing at school, so it can help when you're at home too.
Doing something NOT on your device straight after school is a great way to separate the school day from being at home. Another way is changing your clothes! Change from clothes you might wear outside to something comfortable for relaxing around the house.
Westall Way Points
Our Years 7 and 8 students have been done a fantastic job of demonstrating our school values during remote learning. When our staff see this on a consistent basis, students are awarded Westall Points. Congratulations to the top 10 students for their accumulated Westall Points in Years 7 and 8; keep up the great work!
Ms Alice Paget
Director of Learning - Junior School