
Lucie Hill
Library Technician
Hello and welcome back to school for 2018. It has been a fun and exciting start to the year and I have enjoyed seeing the different classes come into the library to borrow their books for home and the classroom.
A reminder to everyone that you must have a library bag if you wish to borrow a book to take home. This serves to protect the library books while transporting them to and from home. It can be any kind of bag.
This year the library is open every day, except Thursdays, for 15 minutes before school for anyone who wants to borrow a book. It is also open during lunchtimes for students in Years 3 to 6 on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. They can come into the library and relax, read, play chess, card games or draw. (Chess sets are available but all other cards or board games need to be brought in from home). All students need to be mindful that there are meetings that sometimes take place in the library during lunchtimes, so noise has to be kept to a minimum.
New books are being added to the library collection all the time, and sometimes it can be difficult to choose a book to read. To assist you, we are introducing Book Reviews, written by you. All students are being encouraged to write a few words about what you thought about the book you have just read. These will be printed and placed near the books, to assist others when they are finding a book to read. In this newsletter you will find a template for writing your review. This can either be sent to me, via Compass, or you can fill out a review and bring it to me in the library. Book Review forms will be available in the library. Reviews only need to include your first name, and your age.
I look forward to receiving your reviews and may even publish some in the next newsletter.
Years 5 and 6 students, did you know that if you type in the words “Upper Primary” into the Subject section on the search computers in the library, you will find a list of Fiction novels that are suitable for mature readers. This is for those of you who wish to read something a little more challenging.
If you have not had a chance to come into the library to see the display that is hanging up, I have included all the images for you to see in this newsletter. Enjoy the photos of all the staff members, with what and where they were reading over the holidays.
Happy reading