S A Kitchen & Garden

Alba Galban- Stephanie Alexander Garden Specialist
Welcome back to the jungle of Kingswood Primary School. Over the holidays, I have been coming in to feed and give water to our chickens. The weather has been very hot over the holidays, which is great for our tomatoes but also for the weeds.
As we begin Term 1, our focus is on safety in the garden, with the introduction to large tools for the Year 3s and small tools for the Year 2s. We are also looking at removing weeds and restoring the garden to its former glory. Thankfully, our garden has a watering system, which saves not only time but also many plants. This year we are suppling the students with gloves they can keep to use in the garden. Students in Year 3 have garden classes on Wednesday afternoon and Year 2 in the middle session on Friday. Our students have been harvesting zucchini, capsicum, tomatoes, plums, parsley and mint. We are also using some of our garlic that we harvested last year.
The garlic will be used in the SAKG Kitchen and also sold at a market stall on Friday afternoon from 3pm to 4pm. I would like to make a call out to any volunteers for the garden this year. We have Year 2 -3’s in the garden this year and volunteers are always needed. You can come and see me at the market stall on Friday outside the Kitchen from 3-3.30 or Sonia from 3.30-4pm. Garden classes run for a 50 minute session and any help is appreciated.
Sonia Nista - Stephanie Alexander Garden Specialist
A huge welcome back from the Stephanie Alexander Kitchen program! Hopefully the holidays were both fun but also a relaxing time for all families. I’d like to thank those who contacted me over the holidays to say how much they loved the folders the children brought home at the end of 2017, this was a reflection of all the lovely dishes they created over the year, and many of them have spent the past week telling me about how much they used them over the break to continue on with their love of cooking. We will again put together a folder of work for the year, this time it will be in a digital format that they will be able to access all through the year.
This week we’re back in the kitchen and we’re visiting Greece! Using the harvest of zucchini, tomatoes, mint and parsley, we will be creating a lovely Greek salad, zucchini fritters and tzatziki. This entire menu will be created by our Year 5 and 6 students, scaled down slightly for Year 4, then finally with the Year 3 students making only the salad. Of course, this is to ease our younger students into the kitchen.
Looking forward to another amazing year!