Principal's Report

Rosemary Cosentino
A message from the Principal
Welcome everyone and a special welcome to all our new Preps and the students who have joined the school at higher-grade levels. Our current enrolment is 617 students, 26 grades in total. We have had a wonderfully smooth start to the school year. Our 88 Prep children are truly delightful and are settling well into their new environment.
I wish to extend a very warm welcome to our new staff: Mrs Michelle Dorais (5D), Mr Martin Eden (3E), Miss Oshin Pancholi (2P), and Mr Joe Tynan (integration aide). We also welcome back to Kingswood Miss Erin Hamilton (PH) and Mrs Jennifer Bray (integration aide).
Congratulations to Mr Patrick Halpin who was married over the summer holidays. We wish Patrick and Simon all the very best for the future.
The students are enjoying their new rope play equipment and volleyball court. The total project cost $121,000. Thank you to the Parent Club for organising fundraising activities and to the staff for their work in hosting two state conferences.
I wish to introduce to the school community the following 2018 student leaders:
School Captains: Logan and Reece
School Vice-Captains: Harrison and Meagan
School Leaders: Jack, Tyler, Alyssa & Keah
Digital Communications Leaders: Nicholas, Ryan & Shreyash
Environmental Leaders: Kyra, Jacinda, Olivia F & Olivia A
Sports Leaders: Mason, Leila & Alex
SRC: Year 5 Lucy, Year 4 Aurelia & Year 3 Noya
Our annual School Council elections are due and nominations are invited for vacancies in both the mandated elected parent and the Department of Education and Training (DET) employee categories. Specifically, our School Council is comprised of nine (9) elected parent representatives, two (2) community members, three (3) elected DET employee representatives, and the school principal (ex-officiol). All elected representatives are elected for a two year period with overlapping tenure, so that not all positions are declared vacant in any one year. For this year, we have four (4) elected parent positions vacant, two (2) community member positions and one (1) DET position.
Retiring members are as follows:
Retiring Members (parent representatives eligible for re-election)
Simon Lees, Russell Keys, Melissa Du, Sophie Allen,
Retiring Community Members (eligible for re-election)
Dora Kambouris & Karen Spencer
Retiring Member (DET employee eligible for re-election)
Aaron Cox
If you are an enthusiastic parent interested in getting more involved and having a say in what our school is doing, or know someone who is, we would love to hear from you. We are looking for people who are committed to improving the educational outcomes for all students.
Effective councils have a broad range of experience, skills and expertise. Face-to-face and online training is also available to help councillors develop the skills and knowledge for the job. Parents find their involvement satisfying and may find that their children feel a greater sense of belonging.
For more information on what is involved, see: Parent Participation at School and Information for parents.
In calling for nominations for the vacancies in both categories, please note that the appropriate nomination form is available, on request, from the school office or on Compass. In the event that we receive more nominations than vacancies in either category, a ballot will be conducted over a two-week period. Please note that nomination forms must be lodged by 4:00PM on Monday 19th February.
Parents are invited to join the Principal Class for ‘drinks on the green’ on Thursday 22nd February at 6:30 – 8:00PM. Drinks and nibbles will be provided by the school; hence, it is important to indicate to us that you are attending via the Compass Event notification. We hope to see many parents. It is also a great opportunity to welcome new families to Kingswood.
Please Note: This is an adult only function due to alcohol being served.
RSVP by Friday 16th February.
Thank you to the Parent Club presidents (Jodie Daniels, Melanie Inglis and Dhani Chandranegran) for preparing morning tea for our very new Prep parents.