With the pollen count being moderate to high most days in our area a lot of our students have been suffering from itchy, sore eyes. If your child has been complaining of sore, itchy eyes and it is going to be a high pollen count day it may be advisable to give them some antihistamine before they come to school. This will save on trips by you to school to administer medication if it is not registered at school and trips to sick bay by your child, which takes them out of the community and takes away from their learning time.
SMS messaging for Head injuries
If your child presents to Sick Bay with a mild head injury, you will receive an SMS notification through Compass. It will give a brief description of what happened and the treatment that was given. For severe injuries a phone call will be made.
Each day I get students coming to sick bay to borrow hats, as they have forgotten or lost theirs, but most of these borrowed hats don’t make it back to sick bay. At the moment there are no spares hats in sick bay for students to borrow so if your child wants to play at recess and lunch and not have to sit in the shaded areas they need to always bring a hat to school to wear. If they do lose their hat and it is named and comes through lost property I will ensure that it is returned to their community.
Anaphylaxis and Allergies
: As a school we have children with anaphylaxis and allergies to foods. It is very important that as a community we are all aware of this and where possible minimise the chance of our students having an allergic reaction. Being food aware goes a long way to preventing reactions. The main foods that our students have a reaction to are peanuts and tree nuts. Whilst we are not a nut free school, educating ourselves and our children about not sharing, washing our hands and being aware helps keep our students with anaphylaxis or allergies safe.
Naming Uniform
Don’t forget to name your child’s uniform, hats, drink bottles and lunch boxes so that when they come through lost property I am able to return items to them.
Second-hand Uniform
If you need any uniform for your child please pop in for a look.
Change of clothes
It is good for all Foundation students and others who are prone to “accidents” to have a change of clothes in their bag.
First Aid Officer