Education in Faith

Mother's Day Mass
The students and mothers at Galilee celebrated Mother's Day with Mass last Friday the 10th at 9.30am in St. Peter & Paul's Church prepared by the Year 1 teachers and students. We hope all the mothers had a wonderful day last Sunday!
Sacrament of First Eucharist
Many of the Year 4 students attending Galilee are now involved in lessons and activities to prepare to receive their First Eucharist either at school, at home and at church. Please keep these students in your prayers.
A prayer for our First Eucharist candidates
"May your First Communion celebrate your friendship with Jesus.
As you grow in this friendship may your words be gentle and your touch be kind.
May you hear whispers of Love in your heart each day.
May you have fun in discovering God hidden everywhere!
And, may you remember to thank God often for the gift of life."
First Eucharist preparations
Please note the following details for Eucharist preparation at Sts PP:
Saturday June 1st-Eucharist Preparation Day-11:30-7pm
Sunday June 23rd-10:00am-Sacrament of First Eucharist
Please note the following details for Eucharist preparation at OLMC:
Dates: Saturdays- 4th, 11th, 18th and 25th (includes rehearsal) at 4.30pm Preparation Sessions in O’Connor/Pilkington Rooms followed by 6.00pm Mass in Our Lady of Mt Carmel Church.
Saturday June 1st-6:00pm-Sacrament of First Eucharist
Please note the following details for Eucharist preparation at Galilee:
Friday 24 May 2019 (8.50am to 3.25pm in the school hall)-Reflection Day for Eucharist candidates.
Catholic Social Justice Teachings
As part the Term Two studies in STEM and RE, the students are able to connect to the Catholic Social Teachings, especially looking at the teachings of the 'Preferential Option for the Poor' and continuing to study 'Caring for our Common Home' : that our responsibility as good stewards of creation is to care for our world and not ‘steal’ resources from brothers and sisters around the world, future generations, or impact on those living in poverty.
Why not have a dinner discussion with your family around what you can do to help care for our world and those less fortunate.
We can aim to choose simpler and more sustainable lifestyle choices.
For example, we can:
• Decrease the amount of waste we produce, and aim to reduce, reuse and recycle
• Switch to renewable energy sources
• Consider taking public transport, carpooling, walking, running, cycling…
• Plant trees
• Turn off lights when not in use
You can also:
.Donate clothes and toys, blankets and coats, food, money...
.Volunteer your time
.Pray for the less fortunate and for the environment
What are some of your thoughts?