Principal's Report & Fees
Principal's Report
Welcome to Term 2 which will prove to be very busy and I hope very rewarding for our students.
This week we held our annual athletics carnival. It was very pleasing to see so many enjoying the day and getting involved in the various events. We had a number of records broken and our competitive athletes’ performances were outstanding. I can congratulate both the ‘serious’ and the 'once a year' athletes who all strove to achieve their personal best.
Next week students in Years 7 and 9 will sit their NAPLAN examinations. There has been much hype around NAPLAN this year, with a particular focus on Year 9 students and the HSC. It is vital that everyone remembers NAPLAN is designed as a diagnostic tool that gives a snap shot of a student’s literacy and numeracy at one particular moment in time. Students in Year 9 will have the first opportunity to demonstrate the literacy and numeracy skills required to receive their HSC in this exam, but it is only the first of many opportunities to demonstrate this level. Throughout Years 10, 11 and 12 there will also be multiple opportunities via a specially designed online test to demonstrate these skills. It is important students do their best, but all students need to understand there is no pass or fail in NAPLAN, it is about assessing where improvements in literacy and numeracy can be made. These links will take you to the NSW Educational Standards Authority support material to explain these changes: Parent information leaflet, FAQ.
We welcome this Term Ms Rachel Van Leeuwen to our Science faculty. Ms Van Leeuwen comes to us after a number of years teaching throughout the state with the last three in Dubbo. As she settles in I’m sure she will prove to be a valuable member of the Cowra High teaching team.
Over the school holidays 15 Cowra High students, parents and staff travelled to Europe on a school history excursion. All returned for the first day of Term 2 raving about the great time they had. The educational benefits of such trips are invaluable both from a history, cultural and personal growth perspective. Actually visiting primary sites such as Pompeii and the battle fields of Belgium and France will have direct advantages for those students when it’s time to study these subjects. Similarly visiting the art of the Louvre and the Vatican City will be memories which will live with all participants for life as will travelling to the other side of the world and experiencing different cultures first hand. Thank you to Mrs Meiklejohn and Mr Kerr for the many days of organisation that went into this wonderful trip.
Each year Cowra High aims to provide students with the broadest educational experiences possible and in a positive physical environment. Having funds available to purchase resources or renew the physical environment are essential. We would like to direct our parental Voluntary Contributions this year to a specific project which will be the beautification of the school canteen area. We hope to modernise this area to provide students with a pleasant location to purchase and consume food. I ask that you please contribute to this project by paying the School Voluntary Contribution in the following amounts: Years 7-8 $60, Years 9-10 $70, Years 11-12 $80. Of course any contribution will assist in achieving this goal.
Have a great fortnight
Charles Gauci
Pay Subject & Voluntary Fees Online
If you haven't already paid your child's subject fees please do so as soon as possible. Failure to do so will result in your son/daughter undertaking an alternative task during practical lessons.
If you wish to pay online, please do so via the school website using the $Make a Payment tab. Please do not deposit through the school bank account directly as this will soon be disabled. Any questions call the school on 6342 1766.