Visual Art at Syndal South

Using imagination to create a drawing from a starting point was the first lesson for all students in Visual Art this Term. It was wonderful to see how creative our students were as they changed a line or shape or a couple of wobbly eyes into amazing creatures, machines or colourful abstract line drawings. 



It has also been pleasing to see most students arriving with art shirts and smocks to protect their clean school clothes. We encourage all students to wear protective shirts as some of the paints, inks and dyes used are difficult to wash from the yellow school tops. 



Our new Foundation classes have already settled into Art lessons and have been expanding their skills when using scissors and our new hand staplers to make birds from paper strips and colourful masks. 



Year 1 & 2

The students in Years 1 and 2 have been investigating tools for painting. They have created some beautiful artwork with forks and reflected on their walk into Mt Waverley to produce paintings of their local community from cardboard.



Year 3 & 4

The students in Years 3 and 4 have been exploring drawing and paper construction. We talked about the legend of the bunyip and what a bunyip might look like and students used colourful leaf starting points to sketch their bunyips. Students have also used scissors, hand staplers and glue to transform paper into 3d cone creations.



Year 5 & 6

The students in Years 5 and 6 have been investigating Print Making and have begun printing their block print designs on papers of varying textures and colours. 



Already some families have assisted the Art room by sending along newspapers which are used to protect the tables as well as being useful when making constructions. Many thanks and keep sending some along. We can also use balls of wool and cardboard tubes from plastic wrap and aluminium foil.  


Merrilyn Mann (Monday and Wednesday) and Skye Threadgold (Tuesday and Thursday)