History Extension

Mentors help students

On Friday 22 February,  our History Extension class travelled to Sydney University to gain expert mentorship on our History Extension Project.


The wonderful mentors, in various stages of tertiary education, were paired up with our students to give them individualised feedback and tips on research skills to assist in the History Project. They also discussed the benefits of university life and shared their experiences.

Student reported:


Dejan: “Fantastic hospitality and encouraging mentors.”


Monique: “Highly rewarding and educational.”


Natasa: “I liked my mentor. It was beneficial in exploring all aspects of my project.”

Kosta: “I met another Kosta. My life changed forever.”


Natalie: “Mentor provided great insight into different areas into my topic, that I had not previously pondered.”


Shanelle: “Extremely interesting with a good mentor who helped with the project and learnt about uni life.”


S Haskett, Head Teacher - History