A note from Mr Jackson

Early Years Literacy and Numeracy Workshop Invitation (Prep-2)

Parents of students in Prep through to Year 2 are invited to attend workshops that have been planned by staff to support our students and parents at home. These workshops will focus on Mathematics at home (Thursday 24 March 6:30pm to 8:00pm) and Reading at Home and (Thursday 31 March 6:30pm to 8:00pm). Both these sessions will be a chance to discover ways to reinforce literacy and numeracy skills at home in simple but profound ways. Make sure you book a place on the survey to be published on Compass shortly.


Mini Vaccination Clinic

Thanks for all who attended the mini clinic on Tuesday evening. It was great to see so many make use of this opportunity. The third and final mini clinic will take place on Sunday 3rd April 10:00am-12:00pm and be primarily focussed on students who had their initial vaccination in February.


National Day Against Violence and Bullying – Friday 18 March

Tomorrow students will mark the National Day Against Violence and Bullying with a range of class activities. Make sure you have a conversation with your child about the reflections they have completed in class. 


Harmony Day – Monday 21 March

We are thrilled to be meeting as an assembly on Monday morning as we begin our Harmony Day activities. We will have a special Welcome to Country by a representative of the Wurundjeri Woi Wurrung people that will include a traditional smoking ceremony. Parents are invited to attend.


Our Junior School Council have invited students to wear a colour of a flag that they are connected to! All students are encouraged to bring along a gold coin donation to help support the costs of the day.


Students will continue to celebrate cultural connections in a range of classroom experiences.


FORPS Picnic on the Oval – Friday 18 March

We’re all looking forward to a relaxed evening on the Oval on Friday night between 5:00pm and 7:00pm. It will be a chance to get to know our Prep Parents and simply relax at the end of the week.


Young Leader’s Day

We are excited to send a group of around 25 students to the National Young Leader’s Day next Wednesday 23 March. Young Leader’s Day will be held at the Exhibition Centre and includes a range of motivational speakers and leaders. We look forward to hearing more from them upon their return.


NAPLAN Readiness Tests

Our Year 3 and Year 5 students participated in the School Readiness Test for NAPLAN this week. It is one of a number of experiences that students and staff will have to familiarise themselves with the new online NAPLAN format. Next week students from Year 5 only will have a chance to experience what writing online will look and feel like. Teachers will continue to work on the computer skills required to attend to the assessment tasks online.


Quantum Excursion 

This week, students in the 456 Area were excited to visit Quantum Victoria – a centre for excellence in STEM Education. These local excursions are a chance for students to experience and use technology not available at school. All the students returned with their 3D printed designs and were thrilled with what they can achieve with technology.


'Bounce' Incursion

A reminder to all parents to pay for the upcoming dance group that is coming shortly to RPS. Classes will be collaborating in their areas on a performance to be shared with parents on the final Thursday of school. Payment can be made via Qkr!


SRI (Special Religious Instruction).

Thanks for those who have returned their expression of interest in the provision of SRI. While the Christianity group will begin on Monday afternoon, we are currently negotiating with Arkan Toledo concerning the provision of an Islamic volunteer. 


Flagpole Removed

On Wednesday hazard tape restricted access to the Admin Building creating great excitement and wondering throughout our student population. We identified a loose fitting in the flagpoles and so today had the poles removed to ensure student safety. Further plans for their reinstatement will take place once the timber facia has been repaired.


COVID-19 Notifications

A reminder to parents that any student who is a household contact or has proven positive to COVID-19 should contact the office by phone or email in order for us to complete our reporting requirements. A further delivery of RAT tests have arrived today and will be distributed to students on Friday.