College matters

Year 7 Family Welcome Picnic

Year students and their families are invited to the welcome picnic. This is a great opportunity for Year 7 families to meet one another. This will be held on Thursday 19 March in the canteen courtyard from 6pm to 8pm. BYO picnic dinner and drinks. If you are unable to bring your own food, a sausage sizzle will also be available as a fundraiser. Bring some gold coins. There are tables and seats in the canteen courtyard, but families may wish to bring additional chairs.


Parents will be able to park in the front carpark, accessed via Balcombe Road or the rear carpark accessed via Charman Rd. Once spaces are full, parents will need to park on the street.

Mobile phones update

I write to congratulate our students and their families for the support of the policy which was implemented as of this year. The policy can be found on our College website.

Whilst we are experiencing an adjustment period I am pleased so say there have been very few occasions where a parent/guardian has been required to collect their child’s mobile phone (second offence).

By way of further clarification:

  • Mobile phones cannot be used to purchase goods from the canteen (payWave). Cash or card can be used.
  • Mobile phones are not to be in use at all during the school day, including recess and lunch. The policy applies to any time the students are on school grounds. Students who leave school for appointments or in the case of VCE students who finish early on Wednesdays and Fridays are reminded to wait until they are no longer on school grounds before using their mobile phone.

Student photo update

Following our student photo day on Monday 10 February families are reminded all order inquiries can be made directly to the School Photographer customer service number: 1300 795 850.

Parents and Friends’ Association (PFA)

All parents are welcome to attend the PFA AGM at 7pm on Tuesday 3 March in the staffroom.

Refreshments will be provided. We will be electing the 2020 committee and planning for Open Night, the Year 7 Welcome Picnic and other social events.


I would like to extend my thanks to the following PFA members for their assistance on Tuesday 11 February at the social gathering after the Year 7 Parent Information Night: Emma, Elizabeth, Rosa, Sam, Tash, Marissa, Kirsty and Shirley. It’s great to work with such an enthusiastic and hard working team.

Winter uniforms

Bob Stewart Uniform Shop – Mentone has arranged four appointment days to fit your child for their winter uniform. The dates are: 

Saturday 28 March        12.30pm to 4pm

Saturday 4 April             12:30pm to 4pm

Wednesday 8 April        4.30pm  to 7pm

Tuesday 14 April            4.30pm to 7pm

 (These dates are during school holidays.) 


To avoid lengthy queues please call the Mentone Bob Stewart Uniform Shop on 9036 7367 to arrange an appointment. It takes approximately 15 minutes to fit your child with their uniform and complete the purchase. On open trading days families can expect to wait for a considerable time.


Winter uniforms must be worn in June, July and August. 

Second-hand uniform shop 

Hours: Tuesday 2.45-3.45pm and Friday 8.15-9.15am.

We are always looking for extra volunteers. Please contact the school if you are available to assist at either of these times.


Uniforms that no longer fit and are in good condition can be sold through the shop. Small sizes are especially welcome. Hand them in to the General Office. They can be donated with the proceeds going back to the school or clearly labelled with your name, contact and bank details and you will receive a payment when sold. 

CSEF Payments 

The Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund helps ensure that no student will miss out on the opportunity to join their classmates for important, educational and fun activities. If you hold a valid means-tested concession card or are a temporary foster parent, you may be eligible for the CSEF. The allowance ($225 for secondary schools) is paid to the school to use towards expenses relating to camps, excursions or sporting activities for the benefit of your child. 

New applicants should contact the General Office to obtain a CSEF application form or download from If you applied for the CSEF at MGSC in 2019, you do not need to complete an application form in 2020 unless there has been a change in your family circumstances. You only need to complete an application form if any of the following changes have occurred:

  • new student enrolments your child has started or changed schools in 2020 or you did not apply in 2019.
  • changed family circumstances such as a change of custody, change of name, concession card number, or new siblings commencing at the school in 2020.

MGSC Book Buy and Sell Facebook page

This Facebook page is a PFA initiative to assist students and parents wanting to buy and sell school books. It will stay open until end of February and will then be closed down. It will reopen late in 2020 in readiness for the 2021 school year.

Carol Duggan and Bronwyn Moline

Assistant Principals

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