International students

We are Jessie Nguyen, International Students Leader and Mini So, the EAL Domain Leader.
Each year we welcome new international students to our school.They are from many countries like China, Vietnam, Thailand, Italy and Sri Lanka. To start the year we have five new students, Anna Locatelli comes from Italy, Penny Do from Vietnam, Anci Wang, Elyssa Zhang and Chenyang Yuan who come from China. We welcomed them to MGSC at a lunch recently.
Our staff, students and host families will try to provide our best support for everyone to settle in and begin their education in Australia.
There are upcoming exciting events that are organized by the International program. There will be Multicultural Club every Gold Wednesday in room 19. One activity is English Conversation Classes to help international students practise and develop their English speaking and listening skills with the help of local students. If you are interested in helping out, please contact Miss Chang on There will also be other cultural exploration activities such as watching foreign films, crafts, food and more. Please come along if you are interested, the more the merrier!
The biggest and most anticipated event of the year is Cultural Diversity and Harmony week which is happening in week 7 with a big day of celebrations on Wednesday 11 March. There are a lot of activities being planned, so keep an eye out on the bulletin screens and your emails for further information. We welcome volunteers to share their culture or just to help out. Please contact Miss Chang if you are interested.
Jessie Nguyen (Year 12) and Mini So (Year 10)