Community Notice Board 




Do you want to try something different this year?

Why not have a professional Bollywood dancer come and conduct a fun and interactive Bollywood dance workshop at your next birthday? Perfect for all ages, children and adults!

Visit or call Jag on 0423080724.

Mention 'St John's' and receive a 10% discount. 

Autumn Adventures

Youth and Family Services are  proud to present the

Autumn Adventure holiday activities.


The Autumn Holidays Activities are open for 12 – 25 year olds who live, work, study or have a significant connection to the City of Greater Dandenong.

The Autumn Adventure Holiday Activities consists of 12 activities and events including trips to Yarra Valley Chocolaterie, Splatball, Rollerama as well as events such as Youth Fest 2020 and Basketball and Volleyball tournament and many more.

Bookings opened on Monday 2 March and can be done through Greater Dandenong Council’s Customer Service offices or Youth and Family Services reception at 39 Clow St.