Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden

Term 2

In the Kitchen

Over the past two weeks in the Kitchen the students have been sharing their knowledge of life 107 years ago as WW1 began. We imagined what life would be like living in trenches. Our discussion then moved on to how people at home supported their friends and family. Biscuits were made out of ingredients that were available and that lasted the six week journey by ship from Australia to Europe. Later, they were called ANZAC biscuits.  So, of course, we needed to bake some. 


Try the recipe in this link: 


In the garden

Thank you to all the families who sent along to school the Woolworths Discovery Pots for us to plant.  Almost 100% of these have sprouted and are doing really well.  They have been repotted and are well on the way to our garden or the school fair in November.

We are now looking for slightly larger plant pots that we can transplant our seedlings into, ready for sale or planting in our garden.  If you have any spare ones at home, we would love to have them.  Send them along to the office.