From the Registrar

Scholarship Applications for 2022

Calrossy Anglican School offers a number of 2022 Scholarships for students in Secondary School and Boarding.


Scholarship applications close this Friday, 23rd April 2021.


We offer various scholarships including, boarding, alumni, all-rounder and cultural scholarships.


For further information about our Scholarships, please refer to our website or click on the link here.


If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact our Registrar, Mrs Rachel Marchetto.


Our first Junior School Tour for the term is being held on Monday 26th April at 9.30am.


Little Learners Club recommences this Friday, 23rd April in the Prep Rooms from 9.30am.


We would be delighted to welcome you and your friends to visit the School.


Rachel Marchetto

Calrossy Anglican School Registrar