From the Principal 

Reconnecting community

I feel like I say it at the end of every term, but it is again, hard to believe we are at the end of term and that we have completed one quarter of the year.  


It has been a very successful term across the board in so many ways, with co-curricular clubs, instrumental music and ensembles, the production, sport, debating and camps and excursions all back in the swing of things. We have once again been able to enjoy the very many enriching activities of school life. These activities really help to create communities within community and allow for our students and staff to make connections and bonds with their peers beyond their classes and across year levels. I think we all agree, that the long lasting memories of school stem from these types of events, and we encourage all students to engage with the many, varied opportunities on offer.  

Athletics Carnival

The Athletics Carnival on Friday 19 March was a roaring success and a great team effort. That only happened because of the stellar organisation and coordination of Jack O’Shea and Pauline Dridan, ably assisted by Allira Scott and the rest of the PE/Health team and the various student captains. Congratulation to all who participated in whatever way – whether it be competing or dressing up to support your house.  

Senior Meet and Greet

It was so lovely to have families back at school again on Thursday 18 March, at the Senior Years Meet and Greet. It was well attended and families very much appreciated meeting the tutors and teachers who were present. Thank you to the Senior Team for their presentation on success in the VCE and VCAL.   

200 Year Celebrations of Modern Greece 

Our historical connections to Greek migration in the inner North, and our continued study of Greek, as well as the significant number of staff and students with Greek heritage mean, that the Greek Bicentennial should not pass unnoticed. In 2021, we celebrate 200 years of Modern Greece. Organisations and communities across the Hellenic diaspora hosted significant celebrations over the weekend of the 20 March. 

School Council News - Annual Report to the Community and AGM

The achievements of 2020 were celebrated on Thursday 25 March in the black box theatre of the Performing Arts Building. A significant crowd attended to hear of the successes, the innovations of 2020 and areas for continued growth. The 2020 Annual Report will be published on our website following endorsement by the regional office.  


Some of our 2020 highlights: 

  • 93.9% of students in Years 7-10 English are at or above the expected level for the achievement standards of the Victorian Curriculum
  • 94.4% of students in Year 7-10 Mathematics are at or above the expected level for the achievement standards of the Victorian Curriculum
  • 60% of students in the VCE achieved an ATAR of 70 or more
  • Mean ATAR of 71.3 (the highest since 2016)
  • 87% of VCAL students successfully completed Senior VCAL with the remaining students gaining employment, which is also a great success
  • Retention rate of 89.3% (that is, the number of students who started in Year 7 continue through to Year 12)
  • 98.5% of students have a pathway of either further education or full time employment
  • The success of the Thrive Fund’s four financial branches and its Contribute branch

COVIDsafe Update

The Victorian Government has further relaxed its COVIDSafe settings from 6pm on Friday 26 March 2021. 


Changes to the COVIDSafe settings include allowing more visitors in the home, changes to mask wearing in some settings and updates to density limits in some settings. There are limited operational changes for schools. 

Visitors continue to be welcomed at our school, however face masks must be carried by individuals 12 years and over at all times and worn when physical distancing of 1.5 metres cannot be maintained. Individuals aged 12 years and over must continue to wear a face mask when on public transport, school buses and when in taxis or ride share vehicles – unless they have a lawful exemption. 


Thank you for your understanding and support throughout this term as we continue to implement COVIDSafe practices at our school. I look forward to welcoming our students and families back to more school events in Term 2. 

Parent Student Teacher Conversations

We look forward to the many discussions that will take place this week on Wednesday and Thursday at Parent Student Teacher Conversations. We know that the conversations have a real impact on student learning.  

Happy, safe and restful holidays 

The holidays could not have come at a better time. Students and staff are very tired, and with the removal of masks, the community has been hit by a high rate of illness. As we move into the Term 1 holidays, I wish everyone a restful and happy break.  


On a side note, I was talking with a few year 12s this week and they were telling me they planned to study all throughout the break. While I encourage a bit of study, the year 12s also need some rest.  


Most of all I hope we are able to hold on to our newfound freedoms of movement so that plans to catch up with loved ones can continue.  


Please take care and remain safe.  

Congratulations, one and all, on a tremendous Term 1.  

We look forward to seeing you all back here, safe and sound for the beginning of Term 2.  


Best wishes,  

Sue Harrap 
