International Student News

Officers from Northcote Police Station present to our Year 10 international students

Health and Safety training 

Our Year 10 international student group recently took their annual health and safety training session run by the school wellbeing team and local police officers. The aim of this session is to raise international students’ awareness in youth health and social safety, and to promote healthy lifestyle. The session covered a range of topics including healthy living, general youth wellbeing, mental health, drug and alcohol abuse prevention, social and community safety and protection. The students thoroughly enjoyed the session and have gained valuable knowledge, which will certainly help international students to build a healthy lifestyle and to bear safety in mind all the time.


The students especially showed curiosity and interests in police officer’s equipment like capsicum spray, baton, handcuffs, radio etc. The students also had a chance to ask questions about these weapons, especially for the baton.


Many thanks to school nurse Carly for organising this special annual session. Our appreciation also goes to the local police officers from Northcote Police Station.


International Student Office

Cyber safety training

On Thursday 12 March, Year 10 and 11 international students took their annual Cyber Safety Training Session run by Project Rockit. The session aims to raise international student safety awareness on social media and to promote positive online attitude. The session covered a range of online issues young people face, and explored safe and socially credible strategies for challenging risks.


The students thoroughly engaged in the session and gained valuable knowledge, which will empower them to take ownership over core material and create a safe and positive online culture. Leon, Samuel, James, Yarina participated in the activity and Yarina won the prizes!

Camp at Marysville

Our students loved their camp a few weeks ago...