What's happening in the Senior Years?

Great use of the Study Space

We have been impressed with the high use of the Senior Years space by students so far. Students are working hard and respecting the space.


As a sign of recognition of your work ethic and drive to do well, we are officially opening the classrooms (A2-A4) as a study space for students every recess, lunch and after school (unless there is a school event on). We feel there is a need to expand this space beyond the silent study booths and communal area with the amount of students wanting to use the space.


A friendly reminder that if students are not using the space appropriately or interfering with the learning of others you will be asked to leave.

Enjoying the afternoon tea
Enjoying the afternoon tea

To celebrate the year so far we invited all Year 11 and 12 students were invited to join the Senior Years Team on Tuesday 10 March for a cuppa and some afternoon tea. It was great to see so many students attend this afternoon tea and connecting with their peers. It is important to ensure that students do take time to relax and unwind amongst the hustle and bustle.


Overall, we are really proud of all your work and effort to date our students have put it and encourage all students to continue with this exceptional work ethic.

Changes to Unit 3&4 (Year 12) Replacements

A reminder that there will not be replacement teachers for Unit 3 & 4 classes for Period 4 and 5 unless specifically requested by a teacher. The classes will be cancelled so as not to affect student attendance. This would only apply for single days/short term absence. If a teacher is going to be away for several days or longer term, they will be replaced.


Students need to ensure they check MyNorthcoteHigh when their teacher is away Period 4+5 for work instructions. If staff are in a position to provide work to go on with it they will post this on myNorthcoteHigh. If they are not in a position to provide work a message will be put on myNorthcoteHigh for students to continue with class work and revision for the subject.


Students have a choice to go home (if they are finished for the day or it is convenient) or stay at school in a private study location like the Senior Study Centre or library.


The school has spent time looking into this matter to make the decision, including examining what our neighbouring schools do, as well as the attendance data for replacements. This will be monitored and evaluated for the rest of the term.

Senior Year SAC Calendar

We are pleased to share with our school community the Senior Years SAC calendar. This single document contains SAC dates across all subjects in both Years 11 and 12.


We encourage you to download and use this document as a guide for assessments. In this document, teachers have indicated the week they believe the SAC will occur. We hope that students, parents and the school can use this to foresee busy times in the school year. This will vary greatly depending on the subjects each student undertakes, so we hope this will help students and parents on a personal level for their organisation and management.


As you will be aware with the nature of a school, we have a number of events that can impact class time and there are occasions where it is determined that a SAC date should be moved for the best interest of the students.


With this in mind, it is imperative that all students and parents ensure that they check myNorthcoteHigh for the most up to date/accurate dates for SACs. It is the date on myNorthcoteHigh that is the confirmed date.


To access this document, please go to either the Year 11 or Year 12 Connect Page and click ‘SAC Calendar’ under the ‘Links’ section of the page. Please note that changes may be made to this calendar and to SAC dates in the event of any school closures due to COVID-19 measures. We will publish updates and arrangements for rescheduled assessments as necessary.


Allira Scott

Head of Senior School