Green Team news

Celebrating Ride to School Day

Making us more sustainable

Thank you to all who participated in National Ride to school day by either riding, scooting, skating or walking and to all those teachers who collected the data. We had a great start to the day with many students greeted with a treat by the Green Team. Special thanks to Flora Bellemo and Eleanor Sutherland for getting there nice and early.  Many in our community choose to do this on a daily basis and we think this is definitely worth celebrating!

In other Green Team news our “Spell it out” 100% renewables community event has been cancelled due to advice in regards to Coronavirus concerns and instead it is encouraged that students “Spell it out ” for 100% renewables in other creative ways. See example, more details of this to come soon.

Don’t forget we are still recycling for “Terracycle” so your dental waste (tubes, caps, brushes, floss containers and electric toothbrush heads), batteries, phones, pens, markers, bread clips can all be dropped off here at our Green Team stand in the library.

Green team are also currently working on a recycling bin audit for the rest of the school, if interested, please join us every Friday lunchtime in C1.