From the Principal

To the Graduating Class of 2022


This week's note is adapted from my address given this morning to the class of 2022 at their graduation ceremony.


No matter how many times I stand before a group of graduating students, I can’t help but say they are a special group. You are a special group. The differentiating factor between each group is formed by the personalities, the gifts and the struggles of each unique group. You, as the last two graduating classes before you, experienced a COVID-impacted period of schooling. This shaped you.


As we reflect today, I’d like us to think a little about advice. Let’s start with a clip from one of my favourite TV shows. 


‘Scared about your first day? You shouldn’t be. Well, you should be!’ What a piece of advice. I also pray your first job interview for your future career is much better than that one.


And what advice does the Bible offer us? Philippians 4:4-13 offers us the following.

  • Rejoice and have a positive mindset in all circumstances
  • Be gentle
  • Speak often with God
  • Focus on what is true and honourable, what is pleasing and commendable, what is excellent and pleasing
  • Keep fighting the good fight

That isn’t too bad a set of wisdom I have to say. Pretty good for a book nearly 200 years old! The apostle Paul, the author of Philippians also, writes this:


“In any and all circumstances I have learned the secret of being well-fed and of going hungry, of having plenty and of being in need.” (Philippians 4:12)


The secret to life is not having more, changing yourself and whatnot. It is being content with where you are and with who you are. You don’t need to be like Jen, hiding who she is and desperately seeking to be someone else. Neither do you need to be like the boss, sharing meaningless words and advice.


Never forget who you are. God has walked with you this year and will continue to do so. Continue to live a life of wellbeing and service. Put what God has given you to work to bring blessing to others and not just yourselves. 


We know you are a group who knows this secret and lives that way. We’ve seen you take care for each other and advocate for each other. We’ve seen you focus on what it is to be excellent and encourage others to join you. We’ve seen you struggle and not give up. We’ve seen you be students of hope. We’ve seen you have a positive outlook even among the stresses of Year 12.


Most of all, dear class of 2022, we are proud to see you graduate as we know you will keep fighting the good fight, as the decent human beings you are, to join in God’s work of love, care, support and compassion.


Life isn’t easy, you know that. While you shouldn’t be scared, know that when the struggles come, you can deal with many obstacles in life because God will always be there for you guiding us through it. It is such a comforting feeling, knowing that we’re in good hands and that we’re always going to be taken care of. May this give us peace.


Class of 2022. Good luck, godspeed and may you go well. May knowing the secret to life bless you and guide you.


Continue to give God glory and serve the world in love.


