OSHC News 

You can now find us on Facebook! Search for Magill Out of School Hours Care. We'll be using our Facebook page to keep you up to date on everything happening at OSHC!


We had a very busy Vac Care! The children went roller skating, we created our very own cinema, some of our educators did face painting for us, we went on a playground excursion and so much more! 


This term we have changed the way afternoon tea looks at OSHC. As each group arrives they are now being served by their group leaders in their own areas! Each group also has a bucket of soapy water for children to rinse their plates in once they're finished eating, they then place their rinsed plate into another bucket which will be taken to the kitchen so the plates can be washed.


Last week we celebrated Diwali! The children made Diyas and learnt about the meaning of Diwali. 


If you haven't already please take the time to fill out our parent survey, 






OSHC Opening Times

Before School Care: 7:00am - 8:45am

After School Care: 3:05pm - 6:15pm

Vacation Care & Student Free Days: 7:30am - 6:00pm


OSHC is Closed on Public Holidays


2022 Fee 

Before School Care: $12.00

After School Care: $21.00


Absent Text Number 0418994032

Please include: Child/Children's full name, Date and Session time they aren't attending


OSHC Parent Handbook https://www.magillschool.sa.edu.au/uploads/files/parents/A5_2021_%202022%20OSHC%20Parent%20Handbook.pdf