
What's on in English?
Have you ever wondered why you’ve read an article or listened to someone speak and been convinced of their ideas?
Our Year 7 and Year 8 students have been investigating how arguments are presented to the audience, different persuasive devices that are used and the impact that they can have on the audience to make the audience more likely to believe the speaker. For example, we often believe statistics and experts because they add credibility to statements. We are aiming for our students to become more aware of how they are being persuaded and therefore more conscious of their decisions.
In Year 9 students are studying Romeo and Juliet, considering Shakespeare’s use of language and portrayal of the two “star crossed lovers” and the impact of their relationship on those around them. The students have acted out some of the scenes and engaged in great analysis of the events, characters, and themes.
Year 10 students have been studying Night, Elie Wiesel’s memoir of his experiences in the Nazi camps during World War II. This is a significant and touching story, with one student commenting that “it’s been ages since a book gave me chills”. Our Year 10s have shown great empathy and awareness in their study of both the Holocaust and this text – well done to our students for showing such maturity with such a challenging text.
For Year 1,1 students are studying their comparative texts, To Kill a Mockingbird and The Help. Students have been considering how prejudice can affect behaviour and how social class can affect behaviour and interactions. They have also been looking at the importance of transition and linking words to ensure that their ideas and expression is clear.
Finally, the Year 12 students are completing their comparative study of both The Crucible and The Dressmaker in the lead up to their final SAC later this term and their exam on Wednesday 26 October. We wish them all the best in their last SAC and their exams – good luck!
Ellen Sawyer