Senior School Report

Compulsory Exam Preparation VCE Units 3 & 4
Monday 19 - Friday 23 September 2022 (NB: These sessions will proceed as planned on both public holidays)
A free online quality revision program is being provided for students attending Knox Government Schools. This program is based on a commitment to build excellence for students in Knox.
It is a COMPULSORY (part of the attendance requirements for students) & ESSENTIAL that all students participate in the sessions relevant to their course of study so they can build on the knowledge and skills gained throughout the year to maximise their exam performance. The lectures will also enhance their exam techniques and provide important tips to enable them to undertake their exams (only 6 weeks away) with greater confidence.
A schedule of revision sessions across week one of the term break plus information about the presenters who will be delivering high quality revision in each subject covered was uploaded to Compass several weeks ago. Students also have a hard copy of the schedule.
A package of comprehensive resources and Webex links will be distributed to students before the term break.
G.A.T. (General Achievement Test)
Congratulations to students who sat the GAT on Wednesday 7 September. The new format was challenging, particularly for the exam supervisors! Part A (Literacy & Numeracy) for all Unit 3 /4 students and Senior VCAL students ran from 9.30am - 11.45am and Part B (General Knowledge and Skills) ran from 1.15pm -3.00pm for all scored Unit 3 /4 students. The GAT is an essential part of the VCE assessment procedure.
Although GAT results do not count directly towards VCE results, it plays an important role in checking that school-based assessments and external assessments have been accurately and fairly assessed. GAT results can also be used in the calculation of the Derived Examination Score for students who are ill or affected by other personal circumstances at the time of VCE external assessment. Students will receive a GAT statement of results as part of their overall results package in December.
Unit 3 & 4 Exams
The exams commence on Wednesday 26 October with the final exam on Tuesday 15 November.
Students are only required at school when they have an exam unless they choose to study in the hub prior. They should arrive at least 30 minutes before the start of each exam. Students must attend in full summer school uniform.
A timeline has been produced by Mr Santos, in consultation with myself and the College Administration, and shared with students in Home group. Students who have not met the attendance requirement of 95% of classes within any given unit will be required to make up that time before they leave at the end of the school year. A schedule is being developed to assist students to catch up attendance and will be negotiated with individuals in this position.
Obviously it is essential students remain positive and focused and take full advantage of the online revision sessions over the holidays and during each class leading up to the exams. Full attendance is recommended (obviously if a student is unwell they should recover at home) so I urge parents and students to avoid making any non-essential appointments during the remainder of the school year.
Unit 2 and Year 10 Exams
Unit 2 and Year 10 examinations will be conducted from Monday 7 November to Friday 11 November. Students are required to be at school when they have a scheduled exam and/or revision session. Students must attend in full summer school uniform. The exams contribute to the students’ Year 11 VCE results. Provision will be made for Year 11 students who have a VCE Units 3 and 4 exam during the Year 11 exam period.
All students will be expected to follow correct exam procedures as specified by the VCAA, including:
- No student may leave the exam room early
- Students must be on time for their scheduled exam
- No electronic devices can be brought into the exam even if they are turned off. The exception is for permitted calculators in some exams.
Head Start Program
Head Start will commence on Monday 18 November for Year 11 and Year 10 students following exams. The program is designed, as the name suggests, to give our students a ‘head start’ on their studies. All students are expected to attend all sessions. The timetable will be published in coming weeks.
Ms Harnetty
Acting Head of Senior School
Parliament House Visit
On Thursday 18 August College we were given the incredible opportunity to visit Parliament House and were provided with a guided tour by none other than Kim Wells and Nick Wakeling. School Captains from other schools were also in attendance.
It was amazing to witness history unfold before our eyes, gaining invaluable insight into the day-to-day operations that happen within Parliament House. We witnessed a bill being passed through the House of Representatives and we were able to gain a deeper understanding into the very laws being made that will affect us.
All in all, it was a great day, one that will be remembered.
Sam Dhillon and Aimee Bugeja
College Captains