Junior School Report

Respectful Relationships / Challange Program
In the final week of Term 3, students in Years 8 and 9 have been participating in the Resilience, Rights and Respectful Relationships (RRRR)/ Challenge program. We have had the opportunity to learn about domestic violence and subsequent coping strategies, the importance of respecting each other’s boundaries and the attributes that make up a respectful relationship. In addition to these sessions, we were lucky enough to be challenge by participating in different activities.
The Ninja Warrior obstacle course, team-building games with human-sized inflatable balls and the Cartooning session were particularly fun and overall, it has been a fantastic learning experience and something that we will remember fondly during our time at school.
Darcy Briscoe – Year 8 Leader
Angie Norton – Year 9 Leader
Term 4 Reminders and Holiday Break
A reminder that in Term 4 the summer uniform is worn. The Junior School team will continue to maintain high expectations in regards to our uniform, and therefore it is expected that all students will be in full summer uniform on their return to school. If students/ parents are unsure of the uniform expectations, please refer to the College planner or contact your relevant coordinator. As we progress into summer, we also encourage students to maintain a sun smart approach, and ensure they wear their College hat when out in the yard. Students are also being asked to bring their hat to Environmental Duty, and ensure they stay hydrated throughout the day.
Mrs Sylvia Wood will be taking Term 4 off for a well deserved break for long-service leave. We thank Ms Wood for her hard work, support and dedication towards supporting our students in the Junior School and wish her a safe break and return in 2023.
Once again we thank the students and staff in the Junior School for a productive Term 3 and wish you all a safe and restful holiday break.
Ms Sylvia Wood – Year 8 Coordinator
Ms Su-Nhi Kim – Year 9 Coordinator
Ms Emily Phibbs – Head of Junior School and Acting Year 7 Coordinator
Year 7 & 8 Chinese
This semester, students studying Chinese at Scoresby Secondary College have been working on projects to broaden their knowledge of China and strengthen their communication skills. This term, the Year 7 students are working on preparing for their written term test, which will assess their character memorisation skills, sentence structure and application of grammar.
In Year 8 students are currently undertaking a unit on food, looking at how Chinese cuisine changes depending on the region it’s from. Students have used their province posters from last term to develop ‘cuisine cards’, which will aid them in developing their ‘Ordering in a Restaurant’ oral.
Our Scoresby Chinese classes also had the chance to wrap and eat their own dumplings. Through using ingredients such as soy sauce, oyster sauce, spring onion, ‘thirteen spice’ and chicken bouillon, students were able to prepare tasty treats for themselves and their teachers.
Even after lockdown, the creativity and enthusiasm of Scoresby’s Junior School students continues to shine through their work.
Patrick Dempsey
Chinese Teacher
Year 9 School for Student Leadership - Alpine School
Our six Year 9 studentsare preparing to return home after a term away at the School for Leadership (Dinner Plain campus). Our College could not be any prouder of this group who headed off in Week 2 of Term 3 with mixed feelings about what was to come. They have worked tirelessly to plan their CLP and have kept us up to date all the way through. We look forward to their return and no doubt so are their peers.
Congratulations to Anna, Emma, Sam, Lachlan, Mikayla and Shaelah on your awesome work and for taking on the challenges during your incredible journey!
Here is a diary entry from Sam:
Tuesday 23rd August
Today Hotham and Feathertop had community service day, the plan was to originally go down to Mr Hill's farm and plant tree to help the farm be more eco-aware, but that was cancelled because it snowed nearly a metre down where they are, (which is a lot for there), meanwhile we almost had 1.8 metres here, which really intrigues me because that means the snow we are stepping on, the ground is my height, so if I fall down there I'll be up to my hair in snow.
What we did instead was just some tidying around the school, like down in the ski shed, the vehicle shed, we waxed some skis also, we went out to some of the surrounding camping huts and gave them a good clean out. We finished the day off with a community walk.