Principal's Report

Term three has been a term of many highs, despite the cold weather continued transition in and out of illness for some of our students and family members. We have had many successes within and beyond the classroom and conducted many activities and events which are reported on within this edition of our newsletter. Some of these include:
The 2023 Course Information and Subject Selection Evenings for Years 9-12, Music Performance Evenings, Resilience, Rights and Respectful Relationships (RRRR) and Challenge Program, Breakfast Club, R U Ok Day, Lunchtime Activities, Student Leadership Programs, VCE Exam Preparation, Year 8 Symposium, Interschool Sport, District Athletics Competition, School Tours, Excursions ranging from KIOSC to Arts Museums and TAFE Colleges, Primary Schools Grade 5 Days of Learning, VCAL Portable Refurbishment Project, Film Studio Productions and more.
No matter what activity, excursion, or event our students have been engaged in, we always receive exceptional feedback from visitors, members of the public and/or presenters. It is rewarding to know that the majority of our students act with integrity at all times and in doing so take great pride in being students at Scoresby Secondary College and represent us so well.
The 2022 NAPLAN results have been sent out to parents. What a delight it was when we received our data and noticed we continue to achieve excellent results, especially for numeracy which continues to be better than state and network. Our focus on differentiating learning to meet each student’s entry point for learning, intervention, and extension strategies prior to, during and after lockdowns is evident. It is not by chance that our students are thriving, the data highlights that our students are provided quality education and the supports to achieve the best they can.
Well done to our top NAPLAN Award Winners, Zach Bissett, Wes Ferdinands and Heath Agar for your outstanding academic results.
Funding Commitment
On the last day of the term our local member of parliament the Honourable Kim Wells and Shadow Minister for Education, David Hodgett, announced that under a Matt Guy Liberals and Nationals Government, Scoresby Secondary College will receive $13.7 million to build a new Performing Arts and Hospitality Community Hub and upgrade STEM facilities. This upgrade would benefit our students and the community and would bring our facilities the much- needed modernisation it deserves.
Inclusion Funding
Last year we received an inclusion grant following a successful submission for a grant to redevelop our Junior School courtyard to create a safe and inclusive play area. Like many building works delays have occurred with rising costs, labour shortages and delays in obtaining materials. We are pleased to announce that works have now commenced and will be completed in readiness for the start of the new school year.
Continuous Learning
It is important for Principals and staff to model an ongoing commitment to continuous professional growth. As an Executive Principal and member of the Australian Council of Educational Leaders Executive, I am fortunate to have access to top leadership programs. Last week I had the opportunity to undertake a program at Ernst and Young, together with other executive principals from Victorian Schools. We were able to participate in a program delivered by their senior leaders which focused on improving 1) Culture 2) Building Generative Relationships and 3) Change and Transformation. Working with Ernst and Young Corporate Trainers and collaborating with such a talented and committed group of Victoria’s leading educators was inspiring. The program not only reinforced the directions we are taking at Scoresby Secondary College it also highlighted some key challenges underpinning the changing context for all leaders, not just those in schools. Identifying the challenges will will support our team to build their adaptive leadership skills as we navigate the next four years of our new strategic plan.
Mid-Autumn Festival
The Mid-Autumn Festival, also known as the Moon Festival or Mooncake Festival was celebrated on 10 September 2022. The festival is celebrated by Chinese while other East and South-East Asian Countries enjoy similar traditional celebrations including Korea and Vietnam. Developing cultural awareness is key in educating our students and provides a great opportunity for us to celebrate the diversity we have in our community. Thank you to Mr Ricky Zhu our International Program Support and Chinese Language Assistant who provided some moon cakes to share.
Thank you for the continued support from all members of our community students, parents, staff, business and industry and our primary school and tertiary education partners. I wish everyone all the best for a safe and relaxing Term 3 break. For our VCE Unit 4 students the holiday break will be interspersed with Revision Lectures and Practice Examinations to support their studies prior to the end of year examinations which commence late next month. I am confident that our students will make the most of the opportunities provided for them to fully prepare themselves for the final weeks of their schooling at Scoresby Secondary College.
Mrs Gail Major