PLT News ... 

Year 4

This Term, the Year Four students have been enjoying their time in the classroom brushing up on their academic learning goals.  In Mathematics, we have jumped straight into focusing on Time, Fractions and Decimals.  The students have explored fractions and decimals thoroughly and have been looking at the relationship between the two.  Through Time, students have been looking at the passage of time and telling 24-hour time.  In Reading, we continue to build on our comprehension skills as we begin reading more complex texts.  We have also begun looking at prepositional phrases and adverbs, and recognising them in texts.  Through Writing, we have looked at Poetry as a text type and have now started to explore Explanation writing.  Students are enjoying researching the process of big world topics.  Last week, the Year Fours engaged in a creative afternoon where some students participated in a session of “Bring the Drama”, an Art class and Problem-solving challenges.  The students absolutely loved this session and we can’t wait to do it again this week!  The Year Fours have been working so hard and we can’t wait to see what they achieve by the end of the year.