On the first day of school, Monday 31 January 2022, the Deputy Premier Minister of Education James Merlino attended to officially declare the second campus of McKinnon Secondary College open. He was accompanied by our local member for Bentleigh, Nick Staikos and the Department of Education Regional Director Ian Burrage, Senior Regional Executives Simon Hamilton, Darren Clarke, Stuart Andrews and representatives from K2LD, ADCO and SEMZ.
Michael Kan, Campus Principal, Peter Quinn, Head of Junior School and I were thrilled to be part of such a memorable occasion.
We held an assembly and it was a wonderful sense of occasion that we will never forget.
This new campus is a significant achievement and will serve the community for many years to come.
It’s taken years of planning and negotiation to come to fruition and it’s a most beautiful facility that will serve our community for many years to come. I want to thank Nick Staikos (local member) for his advocacy and also thank and acknowledge Michael Kan for his incredible contribution to the planning, meetings, and development.
I am really pleased to be able to deliver state-of-the-art buildings for our McKinnon family. An incredible legacy to be part of! It is one of the biggest events in our school's history and I know everyone will have gratitude for this incredible gift.
Pitsa Binnion
On Wednesday 2nd March 2022 we held a very special assembly with special guest, the Premier of Victoria Mr Dan Andrews.
The opening of McKinnon Secondary College East Campus is a wonderful moment in the history of our school and it was a pleasure to welcome both Premier Dan Andrews and MP Nick Staikos to commemorate the occasion!
“These facilities are second to none. This is an outstanding school, led by outstanding educators and staff. Each and every one of you should be proud to be part of this school community. And I’m equally proud to be considered a friend of McKinnon Secondary College.
I want for you no different than what I want for my own kids. That you get every chance, that you are given every opportunity to realise your full potential whatever that might be. And in these buildings - I think you’re off to a flying start.” - Mr Dan Andrews, The Premier of Victoria
It seems like only yesterday when we were informed of a $70 million dollar project being awarded to McKinnon. A few years later here we are, the recipients of this glorious new campus. I know our community is thrilled, and this campus will serve many generations of young people for years to come.
Check out this video courtesy of Nick Staikos MP
Pitsa Binnion