Grade Four
It’s hard to believe we are almost at the end of Semester 1! The Grade 4s have had a jam packed term so far. They have been working very hard and are looking forward to a well deserved break.
In Maths this term students completed a unit based around our school event of Active April. They learnt how to collect data based on the amount of laps each student ran. Students then represented that information on a range of online and paper graphs. They also completed a unit based on money and making calculations. Currently, we are completing a hands-on unit about mapping. The students are learning the purpose of keys, scales and coordinates on maps and how to direct someone using a compass and cardinal directions.
In English this term Grade 4s have worked hard researching, planning, drafting and publishing an informative newspaper article reporting on an event of their choice. The end results were impressive, watch out in ten years time for some amazing journalists and reporters from Oatlands! Students have also enjoyed continuing readers and writers workshop sessions.
This Term in Integrated we have been studying Change. Students have been working towards an end task of creating a diary entry and artefact on their chosen world explorer. They are looking forward to sharing, dressing up and celebrating their work on our World Explorer Day on Thursday 23rd of June.
The Grade 4 team