Grade Three

What a term we’ve been having. It is hard to believe it is almost the end of term two! The grade 3 teachers have been so pleased with the progress and growth of all of our students. We have had lots of ups and downs this term but we have worked together to meet challenges as we encountered them. Everyone participated in the first ever online Naplan and it was a total success! We were patient and resilient!

                  Well done!



In English our students have been focusing on reading and writing in both the narrative and recount styles. Together we discovered the formal structure of recount writing and explored the features of those style of texts. The students have continued working through the writing process and have been able to publish both recount and narrative texts. We have also continued to have daily opportunities for students to independently read and also read to a partner. We have been running reading workshops and guided style conferences where teachers listen to their students and provide feedback and strategies on a weekly basis.



In mathematics students have been working hard to improve their mental computation skills. We have also been practising our times tables and have played many related games. We have learned more about addition, subtraction multiplication, division, data collection and graphing. It was fun to survey our classmates and discover their favourite ice cream types. We then used the information to make bar graphs. We were able to use our developing knowledge of money at the Mother’s Day stall.


All the teachers would like to thank parents and families for their continuing support throughout this term. It has been a challenging but ultimately rewarding time. 


The Grade Three Team.