Junior Outdoors Day:

Our Junior Outdoor Day to celebrate Matariki.

Our junior school had to change some activities slightly to allow for the ever-changing weather but they made it work.


The children had all brought in a vegetable from home so they spent a bit of time in their classes peeling and cutting. All the veges went into a pot and they made a massive magical Matariki soup.


Our juniors also explored the bush and played with loose parts, planted seeds to grow some more veges, and created their own 'culinary delights' in the mud kitchen.


At the end of the day, when the soup was cooked, they all sat down and enjoyed the delicious soup as a whole Pod.


Our amazing Support Staff were the stars of the show, they made sure the veges were cut, the soup was on, watched and stirred, and cool enough for the kids to eat at the end of the day. This was on top of their normal daily duties - they are absolutely amazing!