Green Team NewsÂ

🌿We have come together as a group, brainstormed all the things we would like to do around our school to ensure we are doing our part to look after our planet. We came up with so many great ideas to look after our environment and help our school be more sustainable. From this list we then noted which ideas came up more often and from that we have now developed a ‘To Do’ list of actions we think we can achieve (see the picture of our ideas).
🌿One of our ideas we felt was really important to implement was to have containers in the classroom to collect the food scraps, which can either go to the chickens or on the compost. For this we desperately need your help – if you have any suitable containers (big honey tubs etc) the size of the one in the photo that we can reuse, could you please send them in with your child and ask them to hand them in to the office.
🌿Another of our ideas was to reinstitute our very popular Nude Food competition that we ran last year. Ryan (Grade 6)'s mum kindly donated some Tupperware sandwich and snack containers as prizes and we would like to do something similar from week 7 (after 3/4 camp) to week 10 (end of term)  too!Â
🌿We're a bit late for National Tree Day, but we will set a day this year to plant some trees and shrubs in support of this important day. Jensen (Grade 6)'s mum's business has kindly donated $200 towards the purchase of some plants.
🌿Rubbish continues to be the biggest environmental hazard at our school!!!
So the Green Team will also be giving each Grade a plastic bag to collect all the soft plastic wrappers that come from lunch boxes that otherwise would be thrown in the bin and end up on landfill. However, the Green Team members would like to encourage all families to either send Nude food to school or ask their children to take their rubbish home with them. This is the best environmental solution.
Did you know, all soft plastics can be put in bins at both Coles and Woolworths? These soft plastics are recycled and remade into outdoor items such as benches, pathways etc. Maybe this is something you would like to start at home?Â
Our final message is to please help your children look after our beautiful planet, after all, there is no planet B!