Student Leaders' News 

Week 5   Term 3


The preps have been learning about Aboriginal culture and Country and have done lots of Country related crafts and activities. Harvey from prep c liked writing about Australian animals and where they lived. In prep A Hudson learnt not to be greedy and take only what you need. The preps enjoyed collecting rocks and sticks and other natural objects to create an artwork which are hanging up in their class room. Bonnie from Prep B loved learning about Bunjil, one of the Aboriginal dreaming stories. In prep A they learnt about caring for Country by picking up rubbish and making sure it was being looked after.  Prep B created an Aboriginal flag by using their hands and paint. The preps loved doing that. Everyone is loving learning about our country and making sure we protect it. 


GRADE 1 & 2

During CBL, the Grade 1/2’s have particularly enjoyed their introduction into learning about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities. Some of the fun activities which have been a highlight throughout their week are colouring and learning about Aboriginal symbols. They learnt that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples used different symbols to tell stories in their drawings. We were also very impressed with the Wurundjeri language which they have been learning. They learnt that ‘Wominjeka’ means ‘Welcome’. A cool activity which has been a highlight throughout this learning is creating possum skins. By colouring in these possum skins, the kids have learned that they can be used for cloaks, jackets and even covers for diaries. This week has has been much enjoyed, we can’t wait for what the term has to come!



GRADE 3 & 4

The Grade 3 and 4 students have been working on the topic Country in CBL. So far the Grade 3 students have made fires, rainbow serpents, learnt about Aboriginal culture, and much more. In art, the Grade 3’s have worked together with their class to make a rainbow serpent. The rainbow serpent is a Dreaming Story that the students have read in their Art lessons, and then went off with their class to create the colourful snake. They also read a book about how Australia was made. Wurundjeri people tell the story of how plates underneath the earth moved together and split Australia from the other countries. The Grade 3 teachers have taught the students about how First Nations Peoples used back burns to keep the plants and animals alive. Back burns are when we light small fires to dry out the grass, so when bigger fires come, they have no fuel to burn further. Luella’s favourite task that they did in CBL was making a mini fire diorama out of paper and sticks. Meanwhile, Caleb enjoyed drawing the Yarra River and adding swirls and aboriginal symbols into it.


Meanwhile, the Grade 4’s have been learning about how when you take something away from the Country, you have to give back. Country looks after you, so you look after it. Mischa said that her class went into the River Garden and discussed what native plants they could add in to the garden. They took photos of places they could add plants in, and places that they could take some plants out and replace them. Ella learnt about how back burning hasn't always taken place these days and that that has been one of the reasons we have had out of control fires, so now we know how important the back burns are to help our environment. Her favourite aAboriginal symbol is the circles with people around it, meaning a gathering or yarning circle.



GRADE 5 & 6

The Grade 5s and 6s have absolutely loved having a new twist to CBL. 

Seeing their CBL big idea is ‘Country’ they have been doing rotations with the Grade 5 and 6 teachers, learning about different parts of Aboriginal culture. Things like, a day to day life on Country, totems, constellations, song lines, music and dance, art and many more interesting and fun learning activities.  The students mix between Grade 6s and Grade 5s to go to these rotations and love having a different experience with other friends. During these activities, they may create art or write a letter using Aboriginal language and so many more fun things they love to do.  After the workshops the students chose a topic they were interested in and in the next two weeks, they will research about that topic and share discoveries to the class. They might make a poster, diorama, quiz and more! 

We are so excited to see the outcome!