From the School Captains  

 Wonga Park Aboriginal Learning

By the School Captains, Holly and Harrison


This term our school has and will continue to learn about our First Nations people. Each year level has been focusing on a few specific sacred parts of Aboriginal culture.       


This term the Preps are learning about how they can protect the environment, they are looking for animal homes and using their iPads to take photos and make a presentation.   


The Grade 1 have been learning how the land we are on how we can protect it. If we protect the land the land will protect us. 


The Year Twos are learning about some dream time stories, they are also learning about how they could live off the country and respecting country.  



The grade 4’s have been designing the Wonga Park garden. They have done a plan of the garden to show what they are going to do and how it will look in the future!



The grade 5 and 6’s have been doing rotations throughout the term. They learnt about Aboriginal culture and ways of living. Each grade 5/6 teacher created 2 workshops for the grade 5/6’s to work on. They used there iPads to write down what they connected with and liked after they finished there workshop.