Specialist Team 

Week  5  Term 3

Visual Art

All grade levels have been learning about 'Country' as their CBL topic for this term and during Art lessons the 1/2s have been exploring Aboriginal Totem Poles and paintings. They created their own totem pole with unique markings and colours that represent 'Country' for them.

Students from Grades 1-6 also created Aboriginal inspired 2D paintings using collage and painting techniques.

Performing Arts


This term, students are being immersed in Drama and have enjoyed using props, scripts and games to explore character, voice and movement. Grade 5/6s worked in groups with a bag of random props and had to come up with characters and a plot for a short play. Lots of creativity and humour on display!


On Wednesday the 20th of July, 31 students from the WP Senior Choir headed into Melbourne Town Hall for the first rehearsal for VSSS. It was a big day learning the parts and lyrics to the 10 songs that the Mass Choir will be performing in, but what a lot of fun we had together! We have two more rehearsals on September the 8th and 9th before the big day on Saturday the 10th. 

Physical Education


On Friday, 17th July, a large group of our Grade 5&6 students participated in the Senior Hooptime Tournament at Kilsyth Basketball Stadium. It was a tremendously successful day, where each team got to play against students from other schools. A particular mention goes to our All Star Boys, made it all the way to the Grand Final, but unfortunately lost by a small margin.


Thankyou to our many parent volunteers who helped out on the day. The children loved having you there and the day simply couldn’t have run without your support.



Our Prep-Level 2 students are currently attending their weekly Gymnastics sessions at Eclipse Gymnastics in Ringwood. So far, this 5 session program has been enthusiastically received by the children. It is a tremendous opportunity for our students to participate in a well-run program with the expert instructors at Eclipse. We look forward to the remaining sessions with anticipation.



Monday the 8th August was a beautiful day for Wonga Park Primary School's House Athletics competition. A big thankyou to all of the parents and staff who were out at the Level 3-6 Athletics Day. It was a huge effort from our scorers, event leaders and group leaders to make this happen. The contribution that each person made was invaluable.


Congratulations to all of our students who competed and tried their best. We are proud of everyone for having a go, regardless of where they finished in each event.


We are currently finalising the results for Years 4-6, before sending out invitations to selected students to represent WPPS at the District Athletics on the 1st September. 



On Wednesday 27th July, selected Grade 5 and 6 girls participated in the Netball Victoria School Championship. Wonga Park Primary School had four teams take part on the day, all demonstrating impressive sportsmanship and teamwork. We have one team going through to the next round of the competition. They will be representing WPPS at Royal Park on 31st August. We wish this team the best of luck!


A big thank you to the following parents who generously volunteered their time on the day: Melissa Martinov, Jeanette Morriss, Vanessa Gammon, Renee Reid and Kylie Drummond.  



Each Tuesday morning, weather permitting of course, there are many keen athletes who continue to participate in Joggers Club each week. Congratulations to the following students who have received a certificate for their laps. 

Harvey B



Ingrid P



Zara G



Charlie J



Kaylee B



Caleb K 



William M



These certificates will be handed out at the next whole school assembly.


History of World Deaf Day -

 'Transcript taken directly from website'

"Granville Richard Seymour Redmond was born on March 9, 1871 to a hearing family of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA. When about two and a half- three years of age he contracted Scarlet Fever and was found to be deaf after recovery. His family moved from the East Coast to San Jose, California where Granville attended the Berkeley School for the Deaf.

He learned drawing, painting and Pantomime (a type of musical comedy stage production). His artistic talents received considerable encouragement and he graduated as a painter in the renowned California School of Design in San Francisco. By 1905, he was recognized as a landscape painter and bold colorist.

A deaf person has immense potentiality; similar to a normal person and the World Deaf Day is commemorated for this very reason."


With World Deaf Day coming up late September, we will be hearing from our wonderful Grade 6 Auslan Representatives (during one of our assemblies) on how Auslan has been an exciting language to learn and our growing understanding of the wonderful Deaf Community. 


One of our Grade 6 Representatives has created a short snippet from her Auslan presentation - see the link below to view: 



Maker Space

Maker Space has had a wobbly start to the term as COVID has knocked us around. We are only back to full capacity now.



Due to the recovery time required for COVID, we are behind with listening to all podcasts and deciding which podcasts will be made live. When this process is complete, contact will be made to those students who are chosen. Thank you for your patience.



Our challenges across the school this term all have a focus on sustainability and a connection to Country. Respecting Country. Only using what we need and creating items that could return to the earth when we are finished with them.


Grade 1 and 2 students are learning about endangered animals and creating a model out of clay.


Grade 3 and 4 students are learning about the innovation of our first scientists and using this as inspiration to create our own watercraft.


Grade 5 and 6 students are also learning about our first scientists and how innovative and resourceful they had to be. Students have been issued a challenge to create something from natural materials that would aide survival if they were to live on natural Country.