It is exciting to walk around the school to see how each level is engaging in 

our CBL Big Idea, 'Country'. Here is a mid term snapshot of the learning 

that is currently happening at Wonga Park.


Our Preps have been learning how we can care for Country and as part of this learning, we have been looking at the Australian bush and animal homes around us. We are hoping that this knowledge will help us develop a greater understanding of the need to look after Country and how to protect our native animal habitats. We have been reading stories, creating a bush collage of Australian animals to learn about their habitats and creating a bug hotel for mini beasts.




In Level 1 & 2 we have been exploring the significance of possum skin cloaks for the Wurundjeri people of the Kulin nation. When Wurundjeri children are born, they are given a possum skin as a blanket. As they grow, more possum skins are added to their cloak. These skins are etched with symbols that represent that person’s life journey. We are adapting an element of this custom to capture and record our learning journey as we discover more about Country and Aboriginal culture. We have been reading and listening to stories, identifying symbols and making connections to Aboriginal art work and we have also been looking at the original map of all the Aboriginal nations and comparing that to our current map.



After learning about the rich history, culture, respect for Country and values of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, our students in Level 3 & 4 have been engaged in deep thinking about how we can share these new understandings with our Wonga Park community. We will be rejuvenating the top river garden to reintroduce plants native to the area and we also hope to include a new meeting place, pump for the river and many other ideas. We have been thinking creatively about how we can make this happen, including researching, designing, and connecting with the community. 


We will be holding a fundraiser in Week 7 (22nd – 26th August) where there will be lemon myrtle scones made in Kitchen Garden classes as well as seeds harvested by the students for sale. Keep an eye out for more information coming soon!



To explore the Big Idea of Country, the Grade 5 and 6 students were guided by our Statement of Intention: On the land, skies and waterways of the Wurundjeri people, explore Country and connect to the gifts of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures.


To do this, students were immersed in a series of workshops including:

art, Songlines, music and dance, the Dreaming, first chemists, seasonal change, totems, astronomy, Caring for Country, day to day life on Country, language and communication, customs and cultural traditions.


The students have identified an area of interest that they were inspired by throughout the workshops. They have now begun researching their idea and are working towards developing a creative and informative presentation of their new learning.




Some of the questions from across the school that are guiding our learning include-

What is Country?   Who lives on Country?  

Who are the Aboriginal people?  How did Aboriginal people live on Country?  

How do we all live together as Australians?  

Why is connection to Country important?  How can we respect Country? 

What can we learn from Aboriginal people about how they connect to Country? 

What does Country mean to Aboriginal people? 

What happened when Aboriginal people lost much of their connection 

to Country (land, culture and language)? 

Why is it important to learn from all cultures, and stand up and speak out for equality?