From the Assistant Principal

Adele Brice


Freezer Angels - Home Cooked Meals Available

We are aware there are a number of families in our community doing it a little tough right now. We have a wonderful team of people who have prepared a delicious array of home cooked meals for our Wonga Park PS community. 

So if you are in need of a delicious home cooked meal, please do not hesitate to contact us. We would love to be able to help you with a meal. 


Partnerships Team /Parents & Friends -please join us, we need your help! 

The Partnerships Team is a school council sub committee, it's their job to enable fundraising opportunities and social events for the community. Our Partnerships Team is a very small, hard working and dedicated team of four parents. 

It is becoming increasing evident that the team needs to be expanded.

To ensure the successful future fundraising and social events we need your help! 

We would LOVE for you to join the Parents and Friends team, please contact

me on 9722 1325 or  to express your interest. 

We will be holding a meeting for all Class Reps in the near future about how they can help and get involved. 


Referrals to Jen Dooley (this information was also shared in the last newsletter)

Wonga Park Primary School employs a school counsellor one a week to support the wellbeing of our students and staff, Jen is a wonderful asset for our school.

Fromtime to time either you or your child's teacher may suggest that it might be helpful to access Jen's support. 

To access this support we ask that you follow the steps below;

1) Reach out and have a conversation with your child's teacher to alert them to the concerns

2) After the initial concern is flagged, the teacher will have a conversation with me and your child will be triaged for support

3) If you would like to speak with me prior to Jen, please let your class teacher know


We ask that you do not email or phone Jen directly, students are triaged through me


Child Safety - Cyber Safety Awareness 


We encourage our parents to be involved and aware while children are on their iPads. It is recommended that children are not on their iPads in an aware that they cannot be monitored and that you regularly have conversations about their activity on their device.

The Safety Commissioner is a wonderful resource for the community. Below you'll find a handout from the Commissioner on cyber bullying and online drama. Please don't hesitate to approach your child's teacher or a member of the leadership if you ever want to chat further regarding cyber saftey 


Parent Webinars

Learn about TikTok, Instagram, Snapchat and YouTube and help your children stay safe online.

This webinar is designed for parents and carers of young people aged 8 to 13.

It will cover: 

  • case studies, research and targeted advice 
  • ways of supporting the young people in your life to have safe, enjoyable online experiences.

Term 3 dates (Australian Eastern Standard Time)

Tuesday 16 August 7:30 to 8:30 pm

Thursday 25 August 12:30 to 1:30 pm

Register Now


Online sexual harassment and image-based abuse

Help your teens stay safe by learning how to deal with online sexual harassment and image-based abuse.

This webinar is designed for parents and carers of young people aged 13 to 18.

It will cover: 

  • the difference between online sexual harassment and image-based abuse and how to report online sexual harassment to social media companies
  • how to report image-based abuse (non-consensual sharing of intimate images) to eSafety and when to report to police
  • where to get support if you feel upset or worried about something that has happened online.

You can invite your teen to the webinar or share the resources in the webinar package with them. 

Term 3 dates (Australian Eastern Standard Time)

Monday 5 September 12:30 to 1:30 pm

Wednesday 7 September 7:30 to 8:30 pm

Register Now



Hopefully I can catch up with many of Mum's at the Ladies' Night on Friday, many thanks to our incredibly supportive Partnerships Team for enabling this event.


Next week I have the privilege of attending the 3/4 camp to Weekaway with our students and selected staff. With so many of these wonderful opportunities being unable to happen during 2020/2021, there is much excitement surrounding this camp.


Kind regards
