The P & C Association
Meeting Minutes
Kentucky P & C Meeting 1st June 2022
- Meeting opened at 7.10pm
- Present: Kahla Chaffey, Will Taylor, Mel Hollebon, Craig Zirkler and Kath Caddy
- Apologies: Charlie and Lucie Street, Lou Baker and Hamish Caddy
- Minutes from previous meeting: Read and Tabled.
Moved by Craig Zirkler, seconded by Kahla Chaffey
- Business arising from previous minutes:
- Confirmed pavers to line edge of entrance path. Need to wait for things to dry out to start work. At next working bee, will do some measuring and work out what materials needed.
- Hamish to organise shrubs to fill gaps in existing plantings – will wait until spring now. Might coincide with next Landcare planting. Kahla to talk to Karen or Struhen from SNELC
- Bikes for Turbo Tuesday in not bad condition. Will put in newsletter a request for any mid-sized bikes in good condition. Not urgent.
- Bus shelter will wait until demountable has been removed. More discussion needed for thoughts on a building o replace the demountable. Perhaps a permanent shed in its place.
- Wood raffle is in progress.
- Working bee – date set for 19th June (may need to amend to 25th June to allow for rugby). Will work on shelving in green house, beach sand into smaller sandpit and more river sand into play area, measuring paver spot, fibre glassing slide.
- Feedback on Skool Loop app given – easy to use, good double up for notices in newsletter, more likely to read important notices in there than in newsletter.
- Correspondence:
- Fiona Uren sent a message to be read at the P and C meeting. She stated Danny Spalane has now officially retired as of 27th May and the process to appoint a new principal can begin. She will be on leave until the end of the year and will not return to teach. She will visit in Term 3. She asked to pass on sincere thanks to community and parents for allowing her to teach for 15 years at Kentucky.
- Principal’s Report:
- Danny has now officially retired from the principal position. I have had a meeting with the Director, Matt Hobbs yesterday, and can inform you all that the process to get a new permanent principal at the school has started. *more on this regarding the P&C*
- Matt has also spoken to me about my current role here. He wanted to know what my intensions were in the lead up to getting a new principal and I have told him that I am happy to stay in this role (or whatever role he needs me to do) for as long as needed. At this stage it is highly likely that I am in this position for at least this term and next. As mentioned, the process has started, but it’s not a quick process.
- Cindi Matthews has taken a maternity leave position at Kingstown PS for the remainder of the year. Oliver Crawford is now working two days a week as a replacement.
- We are hosting the athletics carnival for the Thunderbolt Alliance Schools this year. It has been postponed from this Friday and its new date is 24th June (TBC). P&C menu has been dispersed to the other schools.
- Our school is participating in the Armidale Eisteddfod next Wednesday 8th June 2022. We are entering in the Small School Ensemble involving a whole school Choir, 3-6 Marimba group and select student recorder group. We will be travelling by bus and parents are welcome to attend. Our section starts at 12.30pm.
- We will host a gathering in Week 10 – date to be confirmed, but thinking a Tuesday when most of the staff at the school.
- The annual Sport and Recreation Camp has been booked for term 4, 20022 to Lak Ainsworth and tentative dates have been flagged for next year’s ski camp in Term 3, 2023. At this stage, the camp is for year 5 and 6 with potential space for year 4 students that exhibit competent swimming skills needed.
- Teachers are currently assessing and writing students’ reports. These will go home to parents in Week 10.
- I have registered our school for New England Sings this year. It is a large choir group involving many other schools in the area. It involves the students attending an upcoming workshop and we have visits at the school to help. The actual event is in October 2022 (Saturday). Information will be dispersed to families early next term. I attended a workshop on this, this afternoon.
- Treasurer’s Report:
- Still haven’t sorted bank account transfer.
- We are officially installing Will Taylor as treasurer with new signatories for the bank account to be Will Taylor, Philippa Taylor, Charlie Street and Hamish Caddy. These signatories will have access to the internet banking as well. Outgoing signatories are Jenny Carlon and Helen Hine.
- We have purchased a card reader from Square to be used for P and C events to take credit card payments. Cost was $59 to be reimbursed to Kath Caddy.
- Cross Country catering was successful and bulb fundraiser also. Funds raised to be confirmed upon bank access completion. Still waiting on some invoices.
- Will noted that they had added some cash for the kitty and had removed it again after the event.
- Current bank balance at $9,871.62 (includes kitty yet to be banked)
Moved by Craig Zirkler, seconded by Kath Caddy.
- General Business:
- Discussed options for kids play whilst grounds are so wet. Included topping up sand pit separate to play equipment area. Craig to find quotes and possible delivery dates on sand for both areas. Kahla to talk to Ian Reeves from Martin’s Gully re pallets and other such materials to be brought for kids to build with.
- Slide has been deemed unsafe. Kath Caddy to ask Michael Taylor re fibreglassing. Should be able to do it at the working bee.
- After shelving in green house done, a note to be added to the newsletter asking for volunteers to help the kids in the kitchen garden.
- Newsletter is also to include news on Danny’s formal retirement and Fiona not coming back. Also a note to say what Lucie’s new role as AP involves and what Olli will be teaching.
- Term 3 BBQ at Will and Pip Taylor’s woolshed for informal farewell to Danny and Fiona and current teachers to see where kids come from and new families to meet others in comfortable setting. Date to be confirmed when Fiona is returning for her visit.
- Next Meeting to be held 3rd August 2022.
- Meeting Closed 9.30pm
- The Wood raffle will be drawn on the 27th June 2022