Wellbeing MATTERS!

Welcome Benvenuto


What a fantastic term it has been as we navigated a world of bugs, colds, the flu and Covid.  Phew!  Our beautiful children have been fully engaged and immersed in so many learning experiences that bring joy and delight.  We are blessed to have such amazing children that strive to be responsible. respectful, resilient and their best. Sacred Heart School is such a great place to be. 


As we continue on our journey to being a salutogenic community we end this term focusing on the Best Practice Framework for Online Safety Education, from the eSafety Commissioner


Two key elements to this framework are:


Students’ rights and responsibilities 

Online safety education is based on recognising, acknowledging, and understanding rights and responsibilities in the digital age. 


Resilience and risk 

Online safety education positively frames the use of technology, while also building awareness of factors that decrease and increase the risk of harm. 


Online safety education should always promote the benefits of digital technology and the positive impacts it can have in the everyday lives of children. While it is important to recognise the benefits, online safety education should also provide all children with an opportunity to understand the: 

  • types of risks they can be exposed to;
  • factors that can influence the risk of online harm; 
  • strategies that can help prevent harm; and
  • strategies that can help build resilience. 

As a parent it is your right and responsibility to monitor and maintain your child’s use of technological devices to maintain a salutogenic home.  The eSafety Commissioner has developed many resources that will help you support your family and maintain a healthy and safe technology home.


Some things you might want to discuss with as a family include: 

  • explore the body’s warning signs
  • practice how to say ‘no’ 
  • learn about the technical skills needed to set privacy settings 
  • unpack problematic behaviours 
  • support children to identify respectful or disrespectful language

These prompts could be helpful as your child navigates the World Wide Web (WWW):

You can find the e-safety commissioner parent page at: https://www.esafety.gov.au/parents


There are also a number of webinars that you can access, for free, that will help you keep your family safe and free from online harm.

I would encourage you to participate in these as they could be a sanity saver!


If ever you need help sorting out personal or family issues, give CatholicCare Victoria a call.  They offer many services to all members of our community – ALL FREE.




Don't Hold a Grudge 

Try to forgive and forget – especially the petty stuff.

Holding a grudge holds you and your happiness back, so learn to let go of unnecessary anger and stress.






Have a wonderful holiday. Stay safe. Slow down. Enjoy.


Niente Senza Gioia


Pastoral Wellbeing Leader

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