Kid's Corner

In week five, on Thursday 27th May all of Sacred Heart from Foundation to Year Six attended The Alpha Show at Victory Hall. The show we watched was Sleeping Beauty and everyone enjoyed it. There were a few characters that everyone thought were pretty cool for example; Veg, Mite and even Maleficent.
The Alpha show cast performed a few popular songs that everyone sang along to like; The motto, Kings and Queens and much more. The Alpha show performs at many different schools and show many different movies/plays.
Semester One Write Up
This term the school has done a lot of cool stuff, some including the whole school, some including just single classes.
Some e.g. of cool stuff including the whole school are:
- School Sports
- Alpha Show
- Downball tournament
- Caritas K’s
- Winter Appeal
- Cross Country
- Selling Zooper Doopers
- Warm Milo’s
- Mass
Some things we have done in separate classes are:
- Science in 5/6
- Grade F/1 Excursion to Twisted Science in Echuca
- Rockband
- Inter-school sports
- District cross-country
- Choir