Anchorage House News

End of Term Four

The Anchorage House boys have had a busy end to the term, with many tests and assignments capping off their academic year.  As I write this article, there are a number of boys who are between two grades and their final assessments will determine how they will finish.  Most have been keeping busy during prep, which is great to see, so I’m hopeful of a good outcome for all.


I’ve taken the Year Nine boys up to Eclipse House for their in-house dinner in recent weeks, so they can get a feel for how the Senior House is run. The older boys have been welcoming and spoke about some of the routines and how they value the respect shown for older boys. The Year Nine boys are very excited to move into this environment and our discussions around trust and responsibility have often been drawn back to the fact that we have higher expectations as they grow and this should be seen in their behaviour. The boys have all been very responsive to this idea and there has been a similar change in the Year Eight students. Our recreation has seen much more mixing of the years, with the Year Eight students looking forward to boarding with the current Year Sevens next year.


Well done to Brendan Quick for his good work at the Albany Show. There were many hours of preparation behind the scenes for this event and he showed great commitment in the lead-up. Brendan made it through to the final round of cattle judging, which meant he made a live assessment over the PA system.  He also surprised himself with first place in sheep handling after being given a quick run down of the requirements on the day.

The athletics carnival has seen some good successes, with particular congratulations going to Toby Brown and Hamish Medway for being awarded Runner-Up Champion for their age group. Brendan Quick also performed very well on the day, finishing sixth overall for the boys. Kaden Patterson also finished ninth and Bailey Peacock  finished twelfth for the Year Eight boys, while Harrison Dolan finished seventh for the Year Nine boys. Congratulations also go to Jack Carlson for breaking the 1kg Discus record by over three metres.


It was great to see so many boys getting out and participating in as many activities as possible this term.  From community films featuring refugees, to club sport and trips away for recreation, the Anchorage Boys boys are an energetic bunch and this brings a lot of life to the place. 

Thanks to all for a great year.

Mr Brendan Goggins | Head of Anchorage House

Leader's Report

Over the past year as Anchorage House leader, I have had responsibilities, including getting people to do things for the supervisors, doing the daily room check for Mr Goggins and helping our Gap Assistant look after all the boys. It has been a very enjoyable experience and I have had lots of fun being House Leader this year.


Well done to all the people who participated in the Athletics Carnival and congratulations to those of you who won. With only two and a half weeks left of the year, everyone is looking forward to getting home and having a break from school. I hope everyone has a fun, safe and enjoyable holiday with family and friends.

Matthew Lamont | Year Nine