Principal's Report

School Run 4 Colour Explosion

What an incredibly fun day we had last Wednesday with our inaugural Run 4 Colour Explosion. A huge thank you goes out to the Parents and Friends who organised the event and all the volunteers who made it all happen on the day.

It was fantastic to see so many parents come along to support the children who were running. There was so much laughter and joy seeing the children and staff members getting covered in colour as they ran. The day really showed what a fantastic community we have.


Thank you to everyone who has contributed to the fundraising with this event. The funds raised will go towards improvements throughout our school grounds.

Student Free day - Appreciative Inquiry

Last Friday at Heathmont College, 50 staff and students met for our Appreciative Inquiry Day. This was a workshop where we were able to focus on what is working well in the school, dig deeper to find how we can build upon it and develop plans to implement improvements that will helps us improve the lives of everyone in our school community.


When focusing on the success stories currently happening at Kalinda, the words in the Word Cloud below came up regularly.

By the end of the day the students and staff working together had come up with the following goals for the school:

  • Create an increased sense of community in our school
  • Increase student-to-student and student-to-staff connections
  • Actively promote individual student wellbeing
  • Increase staff trust and connectedness
  • Increase student voice and agency in our school

And the following actions were planned for 2020 to enable us to achieve those goals:

  • Develop vertical groupings ('Kalinda Crews') that meet regularly, form relationships across year levels and build the relationship between the teacher and students in each group
  • Develop the use of wellbeing journals for all students and staff to be supported by intentional wellbeing lessons that promote the reflection on different elements of wellbeing
  • Developing a staff social calendar and providing greater opportunities for staff to build connections with each other in a range of settings
  • Student involvement in School Council sessions

The day was a great success, we had a lot of fun and we were able to really focus on how we can continue to improve the wellbeing of everyone at Kalinda. Thank you to our Wellbeing Leaders, Bron Steele and Mel Tattersall, for the brilliant way you prepared for the day and the engaging way in which you led it.

We are kind. We are resilient. We are respectful.