Latest Information

K/PP Playground

Could parents please be advised that your child/ren need to be supervised at the Kindy/PP playground once school is over. It is not the duty of care of Miss J or Mrs Melville once the children have been collected/placed on the bus. Could you please refrain from allowing them to play on the Kindy/PP playground after school on their own.  Thank you. 

Successful Scholarship News

Congratulations to Jesse Booker (Year 11) who has been successful in obtaining a scholarship to board the Leeuwin Ocean Adventure! The partnership between the CBH Group and Leeuwin Ocean Adventure Foundation offers exclusive scholarship opportunities for young West Australians to develop key life skills aboard the STS Leeuwin II leadership voyages each year. Jesse will be undertaking some fundraising to fund his portion of the trip so please keep an eye out and support him in his endeavours.

DISA Feedback

The Ninghan Cell Principals are looking for feedback about the DISA Carnival held in Bencubbin.

Please click on the link and provide them with some feedback as you see fit.  This feedback can be used to implement changes and improvements for next years carnival to be held in Beacon.

Keep us up to Date

  • Reminder to all parents that you need to provide us with a current immunisation record for your child, especially after they have had any relevant needles recently.
  • Please provide us with any updated medical details, medications your child might be taking and phone number or address updates.
  • Please provide your child's teacher or the front office team with details of upcoming absences for appointments or other reasons.  These can be submitted via Connect.