School News

Centacare Programs

This term we have accessed worthwhile programs facilitated by Centacare to further support our students academic, emotional and cultural needs. This includes; 



An acronym for Discovering Relationships Using Music - Beliefs, Emotions, Attitudes, and Thoughts. This program focuses on discovering relationships, using music, beliefs, emotions, attitudes and thoughts. Drumbeat is a weekly structured learning program using music, psychology and neurobiology to allow students to reconnect with themselves and others. Participating students from Year 5 rejoiced and excelled in the opportunity to play the ‘Bongo’ to the beat of some classic songs. 


Visit our Facebook page to watch a video of the students performing with the drums.


Elise Baird

Student Support Teacher

Peaceful Kids

St Joseph’s ‘Peaceful Kids’ Mindfulness and Positive Psychology based program has commenced. The program gives children the skills, practice and support to utilise coping strategies in life. 


This program helps children to build their emotional resilience. Weekly sessions include learning a range of mindfulness strategies and meditations, effective coping strategies and positive psychology exercises so students are better equipped to deal with the day to day stresses that life brings them.  


Participating students along with Mrs Elise Baird enjoyed their first Peaceful Kids session and the overwhelming verdict was, that we all left the session feeling more ‘peaceful’ and ‘mindful’. 


Elise Baird

Student Support Teacher


Brain Olympia

Yesterday, Molly Crockett, Annabel Carolan, Jack Gett, Edward Haire, Tessa Haire, Ben Murray, Isabel Vogel and Cassidy Welsh travelled to Narrabri to participate in Brain Olympia challenge where they were tested in General Knowledge, Problem Solving, Public Speaking and Drama. The students put in an amazing effort and finished in 3rd place with a total of 83.5 out of 115. We are so very proud!


Visit our Facebook page to watch their Public Speaking piece and Drama Performance.


School Vegetable Garden

The beginning of our Oasis Sanctuary Project is flourishing under the care and attention of Mrs Towns along with the students of St Joseph’s. What a wonderful addition to our school the establishment of this garden has been. Our students value the garden showing a true sense of pride and ownership. The garden also provides a connection for the students to their school along with an opportunity to work cooperatively on real tasks.


A special thank you to Mrs Linda Kiem who kindly donated the produce for our garden.