School Update

Prep 2024 information session: Wednesday 21st June, 6pm to 7pm
This information session is available to parents and carers of Prep 2024 students.
You are welcome to attend if you have already submitted an Application to Enrol your child, or if you are yet to do so. This 1 hour session will give parents and carers the opportunity to meet our Principal and some of our Prep staff. We will provide an overview of the school and of our Prep program including the new Bridges and transition program details, as well give participants an opportunity to ask questions.
Bookings can be made via
Prep Enrolments for 2024 and School Tours
We are currently running school tours and accepting enrolment applications.
Families enrolling siblings can collect an Application for Enrolment form from the office or download from our website.
Enrolment applications for Prep 2024 will close on Friday 28 July 2023 and notification of the outcome of all applications will be provided by Friday 11 August 2023.
Attitudes to School Survey
Throughout May, students in Years 4, 5 and 6 were invited to participate in the annual Attitudes to School Survey. This survey collates student opinion on five domains within the areas of Learning and Experience at School. The information from the survey is deidentified and collated to provide schools with data from our student cohort that can be used in school improvement work.
Our School Improvement Team will have access to various graphs in coming months which will be analysed to create a plan to address areas of need within our school. Families will have the opportunity to participate in the Parent Opinion Survey later in the year.
Parking and Road Safety
Bike riders - We have had some reports from neighbours of the school about the dangerous riding of our students on the roads. Please ensure your children, if they are riding bikes to school, adhere to road rules for their own safety and that of others.
Children aged 12 years or younger are allowed to ride on footpaths. While this is safer than on the road, please educate your children to be aware of hazards like cars coming in and out of driveways. Additionally, please remind them that footpaths are shared; bike riders should consider pedestrians and slow down when passing.
Safe riding tips can be found here:
Parking - Kiss and Drop zones
During drop off and pick up times, these zones are limited to 2 minutes only and drivers must stay with their cars.
We ask all drivers to be considerate to all and as a courtesy to others please do not park here. Others cars must go around these illegally parked cars and it causes a safety hazard for pedestrians at what is a very busy and stressful time.
CSEF Applications closing soon
Application close at the end of Term 2 for anyone with a Health Care card seeking financial support through the Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund. You can find the application form here -
National Volunteer Week - Thank you for all your help
The week of 15th May was National Volunteer Week. Our P&F President, Bianca Dhollander prepared cookies as a token of appreciation and in recognition of our fabulous volunteers at Monty South. The assistance of volunteers in our classrooms, on School Council, on the Parents and Friends Committee, and at the many events and activities is so important to the school. The active participation of our parents and carers is not only necessary, it is vital in helping build and maintain the community connection and spirit that we value here. Thank you to all who contribute to Monty South.
Recycle your used bread bags and earn sports equipment for our school!
We are still collecting - please recycle your bread bags by depositing them in the cardboard boxes are located around our school (office, gym). Wonder's campaign is helping to reduce soft plastic waste in exchange for points to redeem for new sports equipment! If you want more information please talk to Farmer Mike or the sustainability captains, or check out the Wonder White website. Please note - the soft plastics do NOT have to be Wonder White products - any bread bag will do, as long as it has had all food and crumbs removed.