PBL Focus

In PBL we are continuing to focus on 'Asking for help'. Learning to ask for help is an important skill in developing resilience. In PBL lessons our teachers and student leaders are working through scenarios with students to ask:

  • When do I use a Nunguu choice to solve the problem?
  • When do I need to ask for help?

PBL Awards 

Congratulations to the following students who received a PBL award at Friday's assembly:


KH - Liliana Arnott

KT - Macie Arnold

1L - Korbyn Boyles

1D - Nixon Beardsley

2H - Jack Gittoes

2B - Elizabeth Hall

2/3RM - Ruby Finnie

3P - Blake Bertie

3N - Kalon Veale

4S - Leighton Bunn

4G - Imogen Darrington

5M - Jordie Baldwin

5B - Te’ella Kelly 

6G - Emily O’Brien

6D - Roman Zukowski-Jurd